Human Design is a full-fledged science that studies a person using genetic decoding, according to which each of us belongs to a certain Type of Personality. This science makes it possible to put a person on the right track. Decoding Human Design Chart is used by psychologists and coaches in various trainings aimed at finding hidden talents in a person and unlocking his potential. Human Design is officially recognized as effective teaching in almost all countries, and licensing in these countries is estimated at almost $10,000.

The date of the doctrine foundation is considered to be 1987. It was in this year that a certain Alan Krakower, later known as Ra Uru Hu, became a participant in a mystical incident that radically changed his attitude towards life once and for all. In the Human Design system, such ancient sciences as Astrology, Chakra system, Kabbalah, and I Ching are closely intertwined.Decoding Human Design Chart

In addition to the esoteric component, Human Design also includes a classical scientific basis, namely, elements of biomechanics. We can say that Human Design is a unique heritage of human civilization, which includes both spiritual and scientific knowledge. And the decoded personal data with the help of this science is a guide to life for each of us.

In the process of personal decoding, the Bodygraph is used. This is a schematic representation of a human being, the so-called psychoenergetic architecture. The Bodygraph answers the three most important questions: “Who are you?”, “For what purpose are you here?” and “Which direction should you choose?”

Based on the information provided by the personal Bodygraph, a person gets the opportunity to follow his nature and True self, to find out his place in life. Remarkably, these are not just guesses or predictions. The data are obtained in accordance with the combinations of a person’s amino acids and his endocrine system.

Bodygraph self-calculation according to Human Design

When studying the Human Design system, you should pay immediate attention to the Human Design chart. After you enter the required data, the system will automatically build your personal Bodygraph and provide interactive (clickable) tips.

There are two ways to decode a Bodygraph:

  1. On your own. To reliably find out what data the Bodygraph provided, you will need to read many books on Human Design. This will take a lot of time and patience. Sometimes people have studied this science for several years. And even if you read all the books, you still cannot reliably decode the data.
  2. Consulting a specialist. You should understand that there are not many such people, and they all give only a paid consultation.

 What is the advantage of electronic decoding over personal consultation?

The third of the above decoding options is good because it fits absolutely everyone: it does not matter if you just want to learn a lot about yourself or it is not the first time that you face decoding your Bodygraph.

Let’s consider in detail the advantages of electronic decoding.

  1. Convenience. It is not necessary to assimilate the entire volume of information at once, as in a personal consultation. You can always get distracted and return to the place where you stopped. Moreover, you can re-read the report several times to understand the essence as best as possible, to note for yourself some details that are easy to miss even when communicating with a specialist.
  2. Sorting out the details. When communicating with a consultant, you’re given information, as a rule, in a chaotic manner, it is difficult to grasp the essence of what has been said. Wile with electronic decoding, everything is done in a structured way, so it will be much easier for you to understand everything.
  3. One-time report. In electronic format, you can get all the information about yourself, without repeated uses. But the consultant will not be able to do it within one session because it will take him too much time to complete the analysis. “We’ll need one or two more meetings, which, of course, you’ll have to pay for”.
  4. Low price. Full electronic decoding will cost you much less than one appointment with a specialist.
  5. Possibility of online consultation. After reading the report, various questions may arise that you may ask online. You can contact a certified analyst and get a consultation:

Now let’s look at the cons of electronic decoding

You need to understand that despite the more than 100-page (full!) Report on the decoded data, many questions may arise that only a specialist can answer in a clear language. During live communication, information is absorbed much better, and the questions that arise in the process are correct and really important.

Decoding Bodygraph in Human Design

The information below will help you get to know this science better, evaluate its possibilities and make sure of its practicality.

Types in Human Design

Like any other sciences, it makes sense to start studying Human Design with the basic elements. One of these elements is the Type of person. The type serves as the basis for the human self, indicates what “mode” the body should work in. The type is responsible for the energy of Auras and the contact of Auras with each other. The type is instilled in a person at the time of birth and it depends on the type what kind of a person one will grow up to be, and how his relationships with other people will be built.

Decoding Human Design Chart

There are 5 Types in Human Design: 4 main and 1 additional. The main ones are Generator, Manifestor, Reflector and Projector, and the additional one is Manifesting Generator. Each of these Types has its own purpose and place in life, but in short, they can be described in one word:

Manifestor – an initiator;

Generator – a performer;

Projector – a guide;

Reflector – an observer.


  1. Aura is open and embracing.
  2. Strategy is waiting for the Response.
  3. False Self is frustration.
  4. Signature is satisfaction.

There are the most Generator Type people on the planet. In percentage terms, they are approximately 70% of the total population of the Earth. Their distinctive features are enormous work capacity and a large supply of vital energy. To get the most out of life, they need to devote a lot of time to what they love. If they don’t do this, a large amount of unspent energy can lead to conflicts within themselves.

Most of the problems of Generators come from the inability to listen to their Sacred Response, which is a kind of internal compass. Sacred Response helps to make the right decision based on external factors. If the Generator learns to listen to the Response, he will be able to achieve a lot in life.


  1. Aura is focused and receptive.
  2. Strategy is waiting for an invitation.
  3. False Self is bitterness.
  4. Signature is success.

The percentage of people on the planet representing this Type is about 20%. Projectors are not as hardworking as Generators, but they do have unique features. Projectors often make good leaders. Having a natural ability to reveal the hidden potential in other people, they can easily help another person open up. Projectors unmistakably guess when and where one or another talent of another person can be applied, thus helping him to fulfill himself.

But representatives of this Type are not without flaws. For example, they do not have as much energy as Generators or Manifestors, so it is not surprising that Projectors may go around in circles from time to time in terms of some task or problem. Such people often have to adjust to the general pace of work, try to keep up with the rest. Sometimes it happens that instead of organizational or managerial responsibilities, Projectors can easily carry out ordinary tasks that are usually assigned to ordinary employees. However, if they follow their Strategy and Authority, Projectors can find the right use of their talents and potential.


  1. Aura is closed and repulsive.
  2. Strategy is initiation.
  3. False Self is anger.
  4. Signature is peace.

Only 10% of the world’s population represents the Manifestor Type. However, it is Manifestors who often make strong personalities able to make a responsible decision. Manifestors tend to pursue their goals, even if everyone else is against it. Power is in the hands of the Manifestors, and they exercise it completely. Such people are born leaders, they lead others, they are an authority for their environment and in no case do they allow others to control themselves.

Difficulties in communicating with other people for Manifestors are explained by their repulsive aura. On the one hand, such an aura is a defense against the influence of other people, but on the other hand, it does not allow one to “feel” one’s surroundings. This is one of the reasons why Manifestors listen to their own opinions only. Following only themselves over time can cause the Manifestor to feel loneliness, longing, alienation. You can get out of this state, but you will have to put a lot of effort into it.

Manifesting Generator

  1. Aura is open and embracing.
  2. Strategy is to wait for the Response.
  3. False Self is frustration.
  4. Signature is satisfaction.

The Manifesting Generator Type is a collection of two other Types: Manifestor and Generator. This Type is the only additional one among the four main ones. Despite the fact that the Manifesting Generator includes the characteristics of the Manifestor and the Generator, it is customary in Human Design to refer this Type to the latter, because it has the same large amount of energy as the Generator. In addition, these Types have the same Auras and Strategies. 70% of people on the planet are Generators, of which 70% – 33% are Manifesting Generators.

The main distinguishing feature of this Type is the ability to do several things at the same time. Such people can easily switch from one task to another, and quite successfully cope with both. The tremendous amount of energy makes it possible to work hard even on the most difficult tasks. However, unlike Generators, they can direct their energy not only to work that comes “from the outside”, but themselves, like Manifestoors, are able to initiate their plans and actively work on them.

Difficulties for the Manifesting Generator can arise when he begins to process, spend more energy on a matter than is required. Taking on more and more new tasks, these people have no rest, they work all the time, which can negatively affect their career, health, life in general. When you solve many problems at the same time, there is a high probability of missing some trifle, seemingly insignificant detail. However, subsequently, you will need to go back and do it all over again.


  1. Aura is trying and passing.
  2. Strategy is waiting for the phases of the lunar cycle.
  3. False self is disappointment.
  4. Signature is delight.

We can confidently say that Reflectors are the rarest type of people on Earth. They make up only 1% of the world’s population. The problem with Reflectors is that they tend to change their mood depending on the people around them. This is due to the fact that Reflectors, like mirrors, reflect the good and bad qualities of other people, which explains the inconsistency in their behavior. Reflectors can easily lose themselves if they are constantly in the flow of someone else’s energy.

Unfortunately, Reflectors tend to take external information too close to their hearts. It even comes to the point that they do not just empathize with the situation, but, kind of, begin to live in it. This can cause you to lose yourself. Reflector-type people rarely embrace their individuality and cannot accept the fact that they cannot be “like all people”. That is why they most often fall under the influence of their False Self.

Reflectors have the ability to reflect external energy in such a way that other people see their imperfection in this reflection. But in addition to negative qualities, other people notice the positive aspects of their personality. If a person stays close to a Reflector for a long time, he may begin to change and root out those shortcomings that the Reflector reflects for him.


Have you ever thought about how a person makes the right decisions? And what does the word “right” mean in general? How can you not just guess the desired outcome with your decision, but set a goal for them to achieve the result? How to understand that the goal is not the product of illusion or delusion? After all, it happens that we achieve what we want, but this does not bring us true pleasure. Was our decision right, then?

In terms of Human Design, “right” decisions mean decisions made by a person according to his inner harmony and nature. Such a decision not always matches the expectations of others because it Is clear only for a person who made it. Sometimes there’s no logical explanation for this choice, however, when a person does it he feels truly happy. The problem is a person has lots and lots of various thoughts in everyday worries, which stops him from making the right choice. Here comes the Authority, which helps to figure out what is right in some or another situation.

Decoding Human Design Chart

In Human Design, the Authority is a kind of tool, an “astral helper” that helps a person make the right choice. His opinion cannot be somehow influenced or challenged. The Authority is one of the most important elements in every person that forms our True self, and if a person listens to the Authority, there will be harmony in everything in his life.

There are two types of Authority in Human Design: Outer and Inner.

Outer Authority symbolizes the Mind of a person. It can be called a repository of all life experience and information received from outside. As a rule, the Mind tries to “prove” to a person that it is Outer Authority that is the embodiment of the True Self, but this opinion is wrong. This is due to the fact that the Outer Authority quite often clashes with someone else’s opinion, partially depends on it, and therefore cannot be a “representative” of the true nature of a person. If you always make decisions relying only on the Mind, then you are under the influence of your False Self.

Inner Authority is located somewhere in the depths of the human being, and it has nothing to do with the Mind. Inner Authority is the manifestation of your body and mind. Often a person does not pay attention to it or tries to deny it in every possible way. Being in the daily chaos of thoughts and actions, a person will likely not “hear” the opinion of his Inner Authority, and therefore may make a wrong decision or do something wrong. Each of us needs to learn to recognize the signals that Inner Authority gives us.


Each person belongs to a certain Type. The type symbolizes our auric energy. Moreover, each Type has its own Strategy – a method by which auric energy is used.

In other words, the Strategy is what each person should do to properly spend his life energy. This is a kind of instruction given to us at birth. In it, we will find tips on how to learn to feel your body to find as little resistance as possible in life.

Decoding Human Design Chart

The Strategy allows you to live your life so as not to be guided by stereotypes and desires imposed by society. If a person learns to follow his Strategy, harmony and tranquility will come into his life. We can say that the Strategy allows a person to remove everything unnecessary from his life and makes it possible to start enjoying it. If a person follows the Strategy, he will discover unfulfilled potentials or talents, secret opportunities, something so important that was hidden in the depths of his soul. The Strategy opens up a path for a person that was destined for him from birth.

As mentioned above, each Type has its own Strategy.


The Generator’s Strategy is waiting for the Response. This Type must give up the idea of ​​initiating anything in his life. Such a person needs to wait for the moment when his Sacral Center will be triggered from the outside. For example, it can be a specific question or call the Generator can respond to. If the Generator’s answer is positive, then he can safely get to work, and this work will bring him not only financial reward but also moral pleasure. If the Generator gives a negative answer, then he should not even try to do something against his will, otherwise, he will only get frustrated and may leave the job unfinished. The main mistake Generators make is that they try to initiate their lives, as the Manifestors do. However, instead of the desired result, Generators get mostly dissatisfied faced with resistance and conflict. By their nature, Generators are not initiators.


The Manifestor’s Strategy is to initiate. Unlike the Generator, the Manifestor doesn’t have to wait for anyone or anything. He needs to initiate his life himself because he is the most purposeful Type among all. The Manifestor’s mistake is that he begins to wait for some action from the outside to adjust or connect to them. But in this way, he will waste his energy. Moreover, the expectation for action can lead to internal contradictions or conflicts both with himself and with others.


The Projector’s Strategy is as follows: he must wait for an invitation from the outside. The difference from Generators is that Projectors must wait for an invitation from a specific person or for a specific action. Moreover, the Projector must have a desire to do what he can be offered, otherwise he will not be able to fully implement himself. But more often it happens that Projectors take on whatever is offered to them. They are ready to do various things, just not to get bored. However, this tactic quickly exhausts them, and they are unable to fully reveal their talents or reach their potential.


Waiting for lunar cycles is an irreplaceable Strategy for the Reflectors. If you look at a Bodygraph of this Type, you will notice that it has no certainties. This means that it is difficult for Reflectors to find the right solution. To act correctly, such people need to adhere to the lunar calendar and be guided by the ongoing changes. Sometimes following this Strategy may seem too long, but it lives up to expectations. Unfortunately, most of the Reflectors do not know their Strategy and try to play the role that is assigned to other Types. As a result, a person falls under the influence of his False Self.

False Self

The influence of the False Self is also called the process of conditioning – this is when a person identifies himself with thoughts, although he must do this in relation to his body. Some people tend to believe that the True self is the result of combining their own and others’ thoughts about themselves. However, this is only the result of the work of the Mind, and not the true reality. If people could really understand themselves the way they say it, then the world would be much happier. But the facts suggest otherwise.

When a person is under the influence of his False Self, he kind of replaces his true desires and thoughts with others that are imposed by society. The person begins to believe that his aspirations are not so important as they seemed at first glance; he begins to focus more and more on the interests of society. Orientation to each other was very useful in those days when the human species was only establishing itself on the planet, but in the 21st century, it has long become the scourge of today. This is due to the fact that from early childhood, a person is forbidden to do what he wants, thus suppressing the manifestation of initiative or hidden talents. What is the likelihood that a person after this will grow in harmony with himself?

By studying Human Design, you can get rid of the manifestation of your False Self, learn to listen to your body, and live in harmony with yourself.


When reading the Bodygraph, you can notice that there are nine energy Centers. If two Centers are connected with each other by at least one Channel, this indicates that a person has both of these Centers. Definition is a set of certain fragments of a personal Bodygraph that are combined into a single whole.

There are five basic definitions in Human Design.

  1. No definition. This type most often belongs to Reflectors, because by their nature they do not have something permanent in their lives. To use their energy, the Reflectors must constantly be in contact with other people and not be alone.
  2. Single definition. In this case, all the Centers that are activated in a person represent a single connected circuit. This suggests that a person is self-sufficient, independent of other people’s opinions, and everything that he needs for self-realization is embedded within him.
  3. Split definition– implies that a person has two specific Centers, which are not interconnected in any way. Often such people, kind of feel in themselves a second personality, which from time to time takes control of the body. We can say that these are two halves of one whole, but separately they cannot become a whole. That is why people who have a double determination often feel inferior and to get rid of this feeling, they need constant contact with other people.
  4. Triple definition is when a person has three independent Centers at once. Such people are very interesting personalities, but they spend a lot of time getting to know themselves. To do this as best as possible, they should communicate more often with their environment, because only through communication do they have a general picture of their inner world. People with three activated Centers easily find a common language with a variety of personalities, as if adjusting to their style of communication. Such people are independent by nature, so it is very difficult for them to have stable relationships with others.
  5. Quadruple definition. In this case, four independent Centers are activated in a person. For a person with such certainty, one “partner” is not enough to fully realize himself in life. But this does not mean that such people are looking for communication and contact with several people at once. Moreover, people with a quaternary definition do not like crowds of people, they value comfort and a calm atmosphere, and in communicating with others they value trust and sincerity.

Based on Human Design, the more definitions in a person, the more difficult it is for him to choose one or another. This is due to the fact that when considering a decision, a person “looks from the height” of each Center, which has its own “opinion”. In other words, if a person with a single definition made a decision and confidently strides towards his goal, then the “owner” of a triple definition can doubt the correctness of his choice many times and will repeatedly think about his decision on the way to the desired one.

Profile in Human Design

The profile includes those qualities and characteristics that are inherent in every person and which form the basis of the True Self. Sometimes some features of the Profile are hidden inside us so deeply that a person may not even be aware of them. It often happens that people from the outside notice your latent potential and try to tell you about it or somehow hint. The person’s profile can be compared with the factory configuration of a car – this is what is inherent in you from the very beginning. The qualities that make up the Profile will manifest themselves throughout life in different aspects: words, actions, thoughts. It is important for a person to accept his nature and stop fighting with it because only in this way he can live in harmony with himself.

Decoding Human Design Chart

There are 12 types of Profiles in Human Design, each of which includes two Lines: conscious and unconscious. The conscious is always indicated first, and the unconscious second. The First Line indicates those qualities that we can find in ourselves on our own and try to develop them. The Second Line is responsible for those characteristics that manifest themselves at the unconscious level, and a person, as a rule, does not even notice the influence of this Line on himself.

6 Lines are listed below:

Line 1 – Explorer. In this case, a person is afraid of the unknown. To feel safe, you need to know what the future holds. That is why a person actively begins to study the object of his experiences and fears to find out the possible scenarios for the course of events.

Line 2 – Hermit. Often these people have a natural gift. It is important for them that no one distracts them while working, and that the environment around them is calm and contributes to working. People with the Hermit Line often underestimate themselves, so it is surprising for them if someone from the outside appreciates their work.

Line 3 – Martyr. Such people try to experience the entire experience on their own, while not trusting anyone. They prefer to learn from their mistakes, to feel the atmosphere of the business they are doing. This gives them the ability to solve problems in a few understandable ways.

Line 4 – OpportunistPeople with such a Line are easy going, so they easily make new acquaintances. Having good charisma, such people often, without their knowledge, influence other people. Opportunists prefer to solve problems and make decisions based on the information that society provides them.

Line 5 – Heretic. Such people have a very strong aura and are often other people address them to help solve their problems. Heretics often act as saviors, helping others out of difficult situations. It is interesting that heretics almost always offer non-standard ways out of this situation.

Line 6 – Role model. A person with such a Line, as a rule, keeps aloof; he finishes transforming towards adulthood. Throughout their lives, they experience many difficulties, for which they become role models for other people. It often happens that, looking at these people, it seems to you that your own life experience is incomparable with the experience of the Role Model.

Each line is divided into lower and upper trigrams. The lower one includes Lines 1, 2, 3, and the upper 4, 5 and 6. Lines 1-3 are responsible for processes that are tuned to a person’s self-realization and, often, do not require the intervention of other people.

Lines 4-6 are more sociable than the first three, so contact with the environment is important here because thanks to this these lines can express themselves as effectively as possible.

Together, the two Lines form one of the 12 Profiles.

All 12 Profile options are listed below with a brief description:

1/3 Researcher MartyrSuch a person, as a rule, is always on his way, often withdrawn. This state allows him to find creative solutions to the problem by having his own life experience. The Researcher-Martyr tries to thoroughly study an object or point of interest to understand it as best as possible. Through such careful study, a person discards all dubious and unreliable options and “builds” a solid foundation around a point of interest.

1/4 Opportunist ResearcherSuch a person takes every little thing seriously. Before deciding on any step, the Opportunist Researcher may think over the smallest details for a long time. For example, before buying a car, he may carefully study the selected brand for several weeks so that he knows almost everything about it before the transaction. It concerns not only any professional or everyday situations but also the subject of his hobby or passion. Such a person tries to be in the trend of the topic that interests him. It is very important for such people to have reliable companions in their circle who will be able to listen to and support them with genuine interest.

2/4 Opportunist HermitMost of all, such a person loves to do his job alone. For them, it does not matter whether they are judged from the outside or someone else’s opinion, the main thing is to be left alone. However, due to such isolation, the Opportunist Hermit does not always adequately assess his talents or capabilities, as a rule – he underestimates them. A person with such a Profile behaves completely differently when alone and in a company.

2/5 Hermit HereticLike the previous one, this Profile feels much more comfortable alone with himself than in society. Nevertheless, in the company they behave easily and naturally, they are often life of the party, but they prefer to relax alone. Such a person will listen to himself only, his decisions and actions do not depend on the opinions of other people. Moreover, this Profile can influence its environment too.

3/5 Martyr-HereticSuch a person does not recognize authorities, the opinion of other people is not important to him, and even if everyone says that “this is right,” he will look for his way out of the situation. In their lives, they often stumble upon defeats, but this does not bother them – the Heretic Martyr takes it as experience. Such people are optimistic in life, which allows them to easily make new acquaintances.

3/6 Martyr-Role ModelA person with such a Profile is happy to try something new, without fear of making a mistake. In his youth, he may make many mistakes, but in the future he will gladly share his experience with others. Throughout his life, such a person experiences various trials and difficulties. Sometimes it turns out that this person is difficult to recognize – this is how life changed him. For a long time, they may look for answers to their questions, change their opinion about life in general several times. And only towards adulthood do they get answers to everything.

4/6 Opportunist-Role ModelSuch a person prefers to have many acquaintances in his circle, but he can hardly call anyone a true friend of theirs. He keeps them at a distance, only absorbing from them the life experience that he needs. At the same time, a person with such a Profile can give effective advice, which will be supported by his own experience, and not simple inferences. From the outside, it may seem that a person knows well his acquaintance with Profile 4/6, but in reality, this is not so: more often he remains incomprehensible to society, although he perfectly understands other people.

4/1 Opportunist ResearcherWe can say that this is an extraordinary person who undergoes a dramatic change in mood, regardless of whether he is alone or in some company. In the daily routine, such people often feel discomfort, as if they are not in their place, however, when they get into society, they immediately become like others. Even in the most unusual situations, they are able to make new acquaintances. People with such a Profile combine a tendency to learn something new and can easily convey even the most difficult information to a person. Therefore, it is not surprising that such people make good teachers and mentors.

5/1 Heretic ExplorerSuch a person more often relies on his life experience than on existing knowledge. When making an important decision, they think through every little thing to eliminate the possibility of error. But if a mistake was made, people with 5/1 Profile don’t get upset and try to do it right the next time. From the outside, it may seem that such a person knows more than others and, often, this is true. Therefore, they are often asked for advice.

5/2 Heretic-HermitA person with this Profile tries to learn through their own practice, rather than listening to advice and moral teachings. The contacts of such a person not only like to ask him for advice but also often shifts the responsibility onto him. It can be said that more is expected from the Hermit Heretic than he can or plans to give. With all this, such a person prefers loneliness, although other people “haunt” him.

6/2 Role Model-HermitThe transformation of life for such people is interesting and various, it is filled with various difficulties and adventures so that Profile 6/2 gets the necessary life lessons. Growing up, such people more and more often treat problems with a certain detachment, sometimes meeting difficulties even with pleasure. People around them believe that a person with 6/2 Profile knows more about life than others, so they often turn to him for advice and wisdom.

6/3 Role Model-MartyrSuch people are optimistic about everything. Faced with various difficulties on the way to their goal, people with 6/3 Profile only strengthen their beliefs. They are never upset about their mistakes, they try to have a positive attitude towards these failures. The company of such people is always pleasant because they never complain and are always in a good mood. From the very birth, they have been instilled with wisdom, which only gets bigger throughout life.

Centers in Human Design

Each person has 9 energy Centers that contribute to the transformation of the life force. In the Bodygraph, certain Centers are highlighted in a certain color, and the undefined ones remain white. Certain Centers symbolize those qualities that are given to each person from birth, and which help him to influence the world around him. On the contrary, undefined ones are responsible for those qualities through which the world affects a person, and cause a corresponding reaction to this influence.

Decoding Human Design Chart

  1. Root Center – associated with the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. For people with such a specific Center, adrenaline is a source of energy that they spend on solving problems in stressful situations. But people with an undefined Root Center under the influence of adrenaline, on the contrary, experience great doubts during stressful situations, and it is difficult for them to make any decision.
  2. Sacral CenterThis energy is accessed through Response. You need to wait for the right moment to answer this or that question or accept any proposal with the help of the Sacral voice. Physically, a Sacral Center is associated with the testes in men and the ovaries in women. If a person has a Sacral Center, then they need to spend all their energy during the day so that they can fully relax. And in the presence of undefined Sacral, the work must be completed at the moment when fatigue begins to feel. If you continue to work, you may exhaust your body.
  3. Solar Plexus Center. This Center is responsible for emotionality. Physically, the Center is connected with the kidneys, pancreas, and nervous system. Even being in someone else’s company, people whose Solar Plexus Center can experience various emotions. This is due to the fact that a person with such a Center easily passes the emotional state of other people through himself and, accordingly, can feel all this. When such a person is alone, he usually behaves calmly. But people with a defined Solar Plexus Center are prone to mood swings even in those moments when there is no reason for this. Being influenced by emotions, they may make decisions that they will later regret. Therefore, such people need to learn to control their emotions and decide on a serious step only after the emotional wave fades away.
  4. Spleen CenterIt is associated with the immune and lymphatic systems. This Center helps a person to survive in various life situations by giving the body various signals. People who have a defined Spleen Center, as a rule, have a lot of energy and strength, they have good health. They can share their good mood through casual communication. If the Center is not defined, then you should pay great attention to your health. Each decision must be balanced and thoughtful, because both physical and moral conditions may depend on it.
  5. Heart CenterPhysically, this Center is connected with the heart, gall bladder, and stomach. It is responsible for the energy of the human Ego, his self-esteem. A person who has a  defined Heart Center has great willpower, he is always confident in his actions. For those around him, such a person is an example of justice and self-sufficiency. It makes no sense for such a person to prove something to others, but he always keeps his word and does what he promised. People with an undefined Heart Center often lack the self-control to complete the work they have begun. However, they do not want to admit this, so they try in every possible way to prove to themselves and to those around them that they are able to complete the matter while taking on even impossible tasks.
  6. G-Center is associated with the liver and blood and is responsible for personal self-determination. A defined G-Center means that a person knows himself well, his character, soberly evaluates his behavior and actions. If the Center is not defined, then such people need to be in society for self-identification to learn something new about themselves upon contact with it.
  7. Throat CenterPhysically, this Center is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands, it allows a person to express himself through words and deeds, which, as a rule, are original in people with a defined Center. It consists in the fact that a person needs only a few words for others to get an idea of ​​him. If the Throat Center is not defined, it is difficult to form any opinion about a person based on his words and actions. People with an undefined Throat Center tend to attract excessive attention from others.
  8. Ajna Center. This Center is connected with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and allows a person to process information coming from outside. People with a defined Ajna Center have their own well-established model of behavior and thinking and, when making decisions, try not to resort to anything new. They can, without much difficulty, mentally affect another person, while they themselves are immune to this. It often happens that such people find it difficult to concentrate on something due to excessive mental activity. People who do not have a defined Center often have flexible minds. Most often this is expressed in the “borrowing” of other people’s thoughts to use them for their own purposes. Such people can easily admit that their thoughts are not relevant to reality and can easily discard them. This approach to reality allows them to look at things openly, looking for different options for solving problems. However, if a person is in the zone of influence of his False Self, he may face an internal contradiction. At the same time, he confidently repeats one thing to his surroundings, but he feels different deep in his mind.
  9. Head Center is associated with the pineal gland. It is responsible for inspiration and mental pressure. If a person has this Center, he finds inspiration to perform various actions within himself. Time after time ideas occur to him, if properly embodied, which can change the world around them. However, these ideas rarely become reality. A person may feel a kind of anxiety from powerlessness, that he cannot transform his thoughts. If the Parietal Center is not defined, a person can “merge” into the stream of his ideas, which are far from always correct, and, in the end, “float away” far from solving problems. Such a person often switches from one activity to another, trying to find a source of inspiration.

Circuit groups

If you look at the Bodygraph, you can see that all the Centers are connected using Channels. When Channels are grouped, they form Circuits. The circuit, in turn, is a network in which life energy flows. If you understand what the circuits are, you can figure out how the streams of vital energy flowing inside our bodies affect us.

There are three groups of Circuitries in Human Design:

  1. Individual group. It includes people who put self-development and self-knowledge in their priorities.
  2. Collective groupSuch people care about the fate of all mankind, they try to do as much as possible for society.
  3. Tribal group. People from this group care more about their family and immediate contacts. They can put the interests of their “tribe” above their own interests or those of strangers.

Each person belongs to one of these three groups of Circuits. Belonging to one of them determines the interaction of a person with a representative of another circuit. Sometimes such divisions can cause difficulties in relationships between people with different circuits.


In total, there are 36 different Channels in the Bodygraph, which are the connecting link between the energy Centers. It is the exclusive interweaving of the Channels that makes a person a unique personality, with his own principles, methods of thinking, attitude to life. Channels define those unique qualities that remain with a person throughout his life. But it should be understood that the presence of the Channel does not mean that a person 100% has the characteristics that are contained in him. These traits need to be developed by gaining life experience.


The Gate is transferred to the Bodygraph from the outer circle of the Rave Mandala. The gates correspond 100% to 64 Hexagrams from the ancient work “I Ching” (book of changes) and amino acids contained in the human body. In Human Design, the Gate points out to a person his hidden talents or capabilities, and gives advice on how to properly develop the capabilities inherent in him.

Decoding Human Design ChartIt is worth noting that the Gates do not give a person 100% guarantees that he will have certain qualities. If a person has a Gate in an undefined Center, then to open it, he must interact with the one who has this Center. Only in this way is it possible to develop those qualities that are inherent in this Gate. We can say that such gates are simply waiting for someone from the outside to help open them.


If the Gates are located in a certain Center, the manifestation of their characteristics does not require outside intervention. A person himself perfectly understands what qualities he has, but knowing is not enough. It is necessary to develop these qualities in every possible way to fully experience the effect of these Gates.

As mentioned above, the hexagrams from the book “I Ching” correspond to the Gates, which are indicated in the Bodygraph. Each of the hexagrams has 6 lines, differing from each other in 6 colors, 6 tones and 5 bases. Together, this gives 1080 options for the interpretation of the Gate, which is proof of the uniqueness of each person. When all these lines are superimposed on each other, a kind of web is created, which is our self.

If you start studying the Human Design system, you definitely need to know the characteristics of all the Gates, because each of them is like a puzzle. To have a complete picture of a person, it is necessary to put together all the details. But, even knowing only a part of this mosaic, you can say a lot about a person.

A person is used to forming an opinion about himself, relying only on the thought process. However, this is not the right decision. Knowing what Gates you have and understanding what characteristics they give you, you can get a complete picture of your personality. Such knowledge will show you which qualities are inherent in you initially, and which ones you are trying to develop in yourself, sometimes unsuccessfully.

Enhanced qualities

Each person has his own set of qualities, but not all of them are equally developed. Some of them are pronounced, others are not. But among them, there are the so-called fundamental qualities that appear when the unconscious Gates are connected with the conscious ones.

In other words, these are traits that are unique to you. For example, you were asked to describe your friend, describing only the most striking features of his character. What you think of first is the result of the mentioned Gateway connection. Amplified qualities are those qualities that make you a unique person and that are at the core of your self.


Each of the Gates is influenced by a specific planet. With this information, you will be able to explore your self even deeper.

Decoding Human Design Chart

Sun – self-expression of self, life force. This means what qualities inherent in you you show to the world; it is your perception of yourself. Sun and Earth in Human Design are like father and mother, Yin and Yang. This shows who a person really is and who other people see him/her.

Earth is an earthiness, it is the archetype of the mother. The qualities of a person marked with the sign of the Earth are responsible for his perception of the surrounding reality. The earth acts as a balance and support in human life. These are the qualities a person wants to maintain balance.

Moon is the driving force of the human self. The moon is a guide along the path of life. The moon illuminates those desires that become a need, and it is this need that gives a person the necessary direction in life.

The north lunar node. Moving along this path, a person, as a rule, has already learned what life is. This is the accumulated experience that makes it clear what needs to be left in one’s life and what must be decisively removed. This is a look into the future, towards which one should not hold on to the old and burdensome.

The south lunar node is an early stage of life in which a person tries a lot of new things, often makes mistakes, regrets. At this stage, a person begins to gain experience, he develops an initial opinion about the world around him. It is not surprising that the South Node passes into the North, thus showing that a person is moving from an early period of his life to a later one.

Mercury. This planet means self-expression, shows how our self interacts with other people and the world in general. Those qualities that are marked with the sign of Mercury must be exposed, and not hidden within oneself. Mercury, more convincingly than other planets, proves that the human self really exists and indicates the easiest way to interact with other people.

Venus is a feminine energy that symbolizes the moral and spiritual principles of a person, lays in him a clear distinction between good and evil. The sign of Venus marks those qualities that are fundamental in the moral values ​​of each of us. It is on these qualities that a person relies when he tries to find a fair answer to a difficult question.

Mars is the energy that appears at the time of stressful situations, conflicts, heated arguments. This energy is called masculine. It helps to solve the most difficult issues when emotions boil and adrenaline rolls over. But it is also unbridled energy, which, if used incorrectly, can harm not only its owner but also those around it.

Jupiter symbolizes a strong-willed inner core, which is a support for a person in difficult situations. These are individual rules that only you adhere to. It is necessary to act exactly as indicated in the personal bodygraph. Such rules are above all desires and needs that must be fulfilled.

Saturn. The mark of Saturn indicates what will happen to a person if he breaks the rule of Jupiter. As a rule, “apostasy” is punishable by all sorts of diseases, trials, and resistance. If Saturn is indicated in your chart, you should pay attention to this and try to correct what is marked by it.

Uran indicates those qualities that are inherent only to you. This is your uniqueness. A person cannot recognize some of these qualities in himself; in this case, a look from the outside is needed. Others, on the contrary, are clearly visible to the “owner”.

Neptune. Neptune marks the intuitive qualities that predispose a person to spiritual teachings. These “mystical” points of growth should not be controlled, they must be passed through oneself and taken from them the most important. The person who allows this to happen will get an interesting esoteric experience that is provided only for him.

Pluto. Each person has his own truth. The mark of Pluto is responsible for transforming this truth. At times, a person can seek and investigate his truth throughout his life. It is important to understand that this is an intimate, personal trait that others are not supposed to know about. It is these true thoughts that move a person in his life direction.


The world around us and people strongly influence human life. Proof of this can be the feeling when a person works better in one place, while in another he feels uncomfortable. At the same time, some people like to work in a noisy environment, unlike others, for whom peace and quiet are important.

The concept of “environment” in Human Design means a little more than we are used to understanding. In Human Design, it rather describes the processes that take place inside us. For example, the “Kitchen” environment does not at all mean that a person has to be in the kitchen all day. This definition means that a person needs a dynamic atmosphere in which various changes or preparations for something take place.

Decoding Human Design Chart

In Human Design, the habitat is divided into 6 Colors and 2 Tones. The Left tone includes colors 1, 2, 3, and it stimulates the person to engage in physical activity. The right tone, which includes colors 4, 5 and 6, on the contrary, encourages a person to passive contemplation.

Each color is described in more detail below.

1 Color – Caves. In primitive times, people always preferred to hide from dangers in caves. It was a resting place where you could catch your breath and challenge the dangers outside. The cave shelter principle still works today. This concept may mean a room, apartment, house, any room, access to which a person can fully control. Ideally, it is necessary that there is only one entrance to the “cave” – ​​this gives a person a sense of confidence and security, he is always ready for the unexpected and it is difficult to take him by surprise.

If a person does not know his surroundings well, Caves are replaced by Mountains. These people will try to take the highest possible position to spread their influence from there. They rarely think about their safety; prefer to be in an open area, which will not instill in them a sense of confidence.

2 Color – Markets. This concept means a large crowd of people who interact with each other. They don’t have to buy or sell anything – they just need to exchange information.

It is very important for such people to be in a constant stream of events; they prefer to live in big cities, work in large companies, where various events take place all the time. A calm environment, such as in a village, has a depressing effect on them.

The opposite of the Color of the Market is the fifth Color – the Valley. If a person prefers quieter and secluded places, he will deliberately “extinguish” his potential and his capabilities, because to manifest themselves, constant interaction with other people is necessary for them.

3 Color – Kitchens. This concept means a transition from one state to another. In other words, these are all the processes and actions that a person performs to achieve a certain goal.

Owners of this Color like creating something new, working in a large company, it is important for them to be part of a larger mechanism. They love to watch the transition of energy from one state to another, which brings them great satisfaction.

The opposite of the Kitchen Color is the Shore area. In this case, a person is under the influence of his False Self and, instead of an active participant, becomes a passive observer. He prefers the life of a nomad to the process of creating and laboring, without staying for a long time in one place.

4 Color – Mountains. For such people, on the contrary – being in “caves” does not bode well. It is more important for them to climb up, from where great prospects are visible.

5 Color – Valleys. In Human Design, “Valley” means the ability for a person to be on the same level with other people. It is important for him to be in the thick of things, to take an active part in them. It can be any place where there is a congestion of people: parks, public institutions, etc., where there is an opportunity to contact other people, exchange information, gain experience.

If a person with this Color falls under the influence of his False Self, he moves from the Valley to the Markets, which will not give him such a versatile experience as a natural environment.

6 Color – Shores. People with such a Color cannot sit still, they are trying in every possible way to change the situation. As the wave comes ashore, so these people occupy new territories to leave them later.

As a rule, such people do not have a “home” where they would like to come back after a long journey. Instead, they move on, make new acquaintances, take part in various events. All this is done to get to know themselves better; in such travels, they are not looking for something specific. The purpose of a change of scenery is to understand how one place differs from another.

People of this Color have huge reserves of energy for self-development and self-knowledge. However, if the False Self “captures” such a person, then the Shores will be replaced by the Kitchen and exciting travels will be replaced by monotonous existence.


Perspective allows you to look at things from different angles. It determines your view of this or that situation, your perception of the world around you.

Decoding Human Design Chart

Perspective is determined by the Color and Tone of the Moon nodes of the Personality. Tone determines the goal, and Color determines the methods of achieving it.

6 Tones

  1. Security. A sense of security is the main feeling if a person wants to live in harmony with himself.
  2. Uncertainty. It is a symbol of experience in any situation and requires additional information or action to better assess the situation.
  3. Action – means the need to do something.
  4. Meditation. Symbolizes the need for concentration.
  5. Judgment. Before saying or expressing something, a person thinks it over.
  6. Acceptance. Allows a person to accept or reject something.

In Human Design, there are two more types of Color orientation: external (1-3 Tones) and internal (4-6 Tones). External orientation means that a person is inclined to interact with other people, and internal one symbolizes his self-sufficiency.

6 Colors

1 Color – Survival. The main task is to find methods that will help you survive. A person views other people as a way of survival. If the orientation is external, then a person needs to work in a team to survive. If internal, then relying on yourself is the only way to survive.

2 Color – Possibility. The opportunity allows you to consider perspectives and replacements for what a person has at the moment. However, this is nothing more than a probability, guesswork. With an external orientation, the opportunity can be embodied in reality with the help of someone, and with an internal orientation, the opportunity only remains at the level of comprehension, without taking any action.

3 Color – Power. A person is in search of a source of power, for him, the world is divided into those who won and those who lost. He believes that there is a certain hierarchy in the world, which includes all people. The outer orientation prefers to follow other leaders, and the inner one recognizes only its own leadership.

4 Color – Need. A person is in search of details that will help him make the world a better place. He tries to understand what other people lack in different situations. With the outer orientation, a person is in search of details, and with the inner orientation, he is content with what is already available.

5 Color – Probability. A person looks closely and tries to understand which of the outcome options is the most correct. If in the case of Color 2 there was a possibility, then here it is already a probability. With the outer orientation, a person tries to influence other people, and with the inner orientation, he perceives this as a sign of his fate.

6 Color – Personal. In this case, a person looks at how other people behave in society. However, we are talking not only about their financial situation but about their spiritual state, about some deep aspects. With the outer orientation, a person observes others, and with the inner orientation, he “catches” others’ glances.


In Human Design, motivation is not quite what we are used to thinking. Here we are talking about the need for a person to find his self so that he can boldly develop and move in his life direction. We can say that this is the model of behavior that is inherent in a particular person. Each has its own Color, which indicates the way to motivate the acquisition of happiness in life.

Decoding Human Design Chart

Motivation also depends on Color and Tone. Tones 1, 2, 3 form the left orientation, and 4, 5 and 6 form the right orientation.

1 Color – Fear. When a person tries to make a decision, he thinks about how safe it will be. The left tone hopes that the decision will be correct and is guided by the actions of others, while the right tone relies only on its own strength.

2 Color – Hope. A person internally hopes that nothing bad will happen. The left tone believes that there are enough miracles in the world, but the right one trusts more proven and reliable methods.

3 Color – Desire. The person is convinced that only a strong desire is enough to perform any action, and no other “stimulants” are needed. The Left Tone takes a leading position and is ready to lead others, while the Right Tone prefers to be led and follows those who will help to make the plan come true.

4 Color – Need. Everything that a person does is done out of need. This is not about everything, but only about those actions that are needed to achieve the set goals. The left tone shows others how “good” it is, while the right one follows its own path of self-development and tries not to attract outside attention.

5 Color – Guilt. Guilt guides actions. The Left Tone is looking for the culprit from outside and wants others to fix the situation. The Right Tone takes responsibility and blame and tries to correct mistakes on its own.

6 Color – Innocence. This quality in Human Design is compared with childlike spontaneity. People with this Color can easily get everything they need without much effort. The left tone uses every opportunity to achieve what it wants, and the right tone tries to merge with the moment, that to be one with it.

Some Colors of Motivation, as in other elements of Human Design, can be replaced by others if a person does not live his Design correctly.

By the way, according to Design, a person should look for Motivation in fear, but he looks for it in Need. And instead of being afraid to visit some place, a person wants to go there. Fear is a natural motivation for him, it helps to make the right decision. If a person is guided in his life by fear, then he is living his Design correctly. However, if he throws this emotion aside and focuses on something else, he will only aggravate his situation and may get unnecessary trouble.


Human Design has 6 main modes that indicate a specific diet for each person. And we are talking not only about feeding the body with food, but also saturating the Mind through contact with other people, exchanging information with them, etc. Nutrition in Human Design has many facets, so you should not look at it only from the point of daily food intake …

Decoding Human Design Chart

1 Color – Hunter. For one meal, you need to use one type of product. There is no need to mix or match anything here. This is comparable to a separate meal, where the stomach digests one thing to have another later.

2 Color – Gatherer. It is worth paying attention to products that are delicious only for you. Accordingly, you should choose them yourself. And if the opinion of others about these products does not coincide with yours, you should not listen to them.

3 Color – Thirst. This refers to what temperature of food is acceptable for you: cold, warm, or hot. Also, it is worth noting that drinking food also affects the temperature: someone does it with tea, and someone does it with plain water.

4 Color – Touch. In this case, the environment in which you are when you eat is important. After all, some people prefer to eat in the company of relatives or friends, for others loneliness at this moment is important so that they can relax and put their thoughts in order.

5 Color – Sound. We are talking about the background: how noisy or quiet around, because for each person this is an important factor during a meal.

6 Color – Light. Some people like eating in the daylight, while others find a kind of comfort in eating after sunset – and do not see anything wrong with that.

Summing up, we can say that Colors 1, 2 and 3 symbolize what exact products will be on the table, and 4, 5 and 6 – what kind of environment will be during the meal.

Incarnation cross

None of the people are born for no reason in particular. Everyone has a role to play and must follow their own path in life. If you want to read about the meaning of life, you should pay attention to any esoteric teaching. As for Human Design, it has no answer to this question, but the system will help you find your own unique direction in which you will go in life.

The incarnation cross is divided into 3 types:

  1. Right angle. People who always rely on themselves in life have such crosses.
  2. Left angle. A person with this cross cannot imagine life without society, he needs constant contact with other people. He makes new friends without any problems and it often happens that he understands them better than himself.
  3. Juxtaposition. The fate of such a person has long been predetermined. Throughout his life, it will teach him lessons that will help him become a unique person. It often happens that the person understands the meaning of these lessons after many years. As for the environment, at some point, he may be alone, or he may be in the company of other people.

In Human Design, there are a total of 768 crosses, on the basis of which various important events in human life will take place. Keys will help you choose the right path in life and show you the “privileges” that you will get if you live your Design correctly.

A full decoding of your chart in pdf format is available here.

Type Signature
Type Signature
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