Understanding people through Human Design

Each person is a complex mechanism with unique ways of functioning. We often try to understand others through the lens of our own experiences or popular psychological theories. But that’s like trying to use an iPhone manual to set up an Android device—both are smartphones, but their inner workings are completely different. Human Design offers…

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Individual Group of Contours: The Power of Self-Expression and Self-Discovery

Вот объединённый текст в HTML-коде для WordPress с тегами: “`html Individual Group of Contours: The Power of Self-Expression and Self-Discovery in Human Design The Individual Group of Contours in Human Design plays a crucial role in shaping each person’s uniqueness and their ability to express themselves. These contours reflect the needs and aspirations related to…

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The Tribal Group of Contours: The Power of Community

The Tribal Group of Contours: The Power of Community and Mutual Support in Human Design The basis of Human Design lies in the concept of interaction between people through channels and gates that form unique contours. The Tribal group of contours is one of the most significant and ancient, reflecting the need for survival and…

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The Human Design System and Bodygraph

What is a Bodygraph? A Bodygraph is a unique map that represents the energetic structure of a person within the framework of the Human Design System. This system combines elements of astrology, Kabbalah, the chakra system, I Ching, and genetics, creating a comprehensive approach to understanding human nature. The Bodygraph is built based on the…

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Understanding Inner Authority: How It Can Change Your Life

We live in a world where we often rely on the opinions of others and follow standards imposed by society. However, on the path to self-discovery and personal growth, it’s essential to realize that true authority lies within us. In Human Design, inner authority is our internal compass that helps us make decisions aligned with…

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Role gates in Bodygraph

The role gates in Bodygraph are 6 gates responsible for our behavior in different roles. They operate in certain social settings: in a family circle, among coworkers, when interacting with strangers. Role gates influence the impression we make and our relationship with our surroundings. They also shape our behaviors: sexual, leadership, creative and help us…

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Pdf decoding or online counseling

The article was written by the specialists of the site life-chart.art Human Design is a science that studies the human genetic program, according to which each of us belongs to a certain type of personality. Deciphering the Bodygraph can help a person discover their inner talents and potential. There are three ways to decipher the…

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Olá, eu sou a Patrícia. Como Projectora, naturalmente focada no outro, e extremamente sensível ao sofrimento à minha volta, desde cedo que me senti fascinada por todo o tipo de conhecimento que me permitisse levantar o véu e espreitar, nem que fosse por uns breves instantes, os mistérios da vida, que me permitisse compreender a…

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Sempre me interessei por astrologia e por numerologia. Um dia uma amiga falou-me no Human Design achando que eu me poderia interessar. Não poderia estar mais certa. Fui pesquisar e descobri que era uma reflectora. Qual não foi a minha surpresa! Desde esse dia não parei mais de estudar e investigar e hoje sou uma…

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Здравейте, aз съм Мария или както обичам да ме наричат Мери. И Мери не защото не харесвам прекрасното си име Мария, а защото Merry описва чудесно, състоянието ми на Мир! ​Докато минавах през турболентността на моя Сатурнов възврат се натъкнах на Ричард Бомонт – очарователен, мъдър, мистичен и шантав, той разкри пред мен един нов и…

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Get free chart Human Design

To get your free Human Design Chart, enter your birth information. Click on the picture of the bodigraph to see descriptions of its elements. Save this page in your browser bookmarks You can see more deciphering of the elements of your Bodygraph at this link. Why Trust the Human Design System? The Human Design system…

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Decoding kids chart

Since you have come to this site, it is obvious that the topic of Human Design got you involved. One way or another, you are already at least a little bit familiar with decoding Human Design, calculating Design compatibility, but have you heard that there is also Human Design for children and it’s possible to get…

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Decoding Human Design Chart

Human Design is a full-fledged science that studies a person using genetic decoding, according to which each of us belongs to a certain Type of Personality. This science makes it possible to put a person on the right track. Decoding Human Design Chart is used by psychologists and coaches in various trainings aimed at finding hidden…

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Compatibility in Human Design

To do a calculation of the Human Design compatibility chart click on the “Composite” button. What is compatibility in Human Design Are you constantly quarreling with a person and can’t come to a common opinion? You may just not be the right fit for each other. At the “energy” level, of course. In the doctrine of Human Design there…

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What is Gate in Human Design – 3 Options

Gate in Human Design tell us about the characteristics of behavior or character that are present in a person from birth. Gate is the so-called potentials that unfold during life. It is very important to understand that the disclosure of this or that potential occurs when a person follows his Strategy and Authority , which can be…

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Left and Right Mind in Human Design

One of the main problems of modern mankind is the universal standardization. We completely disregard the differences between people, trying to fit everything into a common template. This especially affects the sphere of education, where the unique nature of each child is ignored, and everyone has to play by the same rules. According to these…

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1-8 Inspiration Channel

Type: Projected. Circuit: Individual group, Knowledge Circuit. 1-8 Inspiration Channel connects the G-Center with The Throat Center through the Gates of Expression (1) and Contribution (8). The energy of the G-Center is responsible for self-identification and direction in life, for movement to the destination. The throat Center is the Center of transformation and self-expression. By…

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2-14 Heartbeat Channel

A type: Generated. Circuit: Individual Group, Knowledge Circuit. Channel 2-14 Human Design Heartbeat Channel connects the G-Center with the Sacred Center through the Gates of Power Skills (14) and Higher Knowledge (2). 2-14 Heartbeat Channel has the ability to see the right direction and motivates others to follow it through their own example. The Channel connects…

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3-60 Mutation Channel

Type: Generated. Circuit: Individual Group, Knowledge Circuit. 3-60 Mutation Channel connects the Root Center with the Sacral through the Gates of Acceptance (60) and Ordering (3). The Root Center creates pressure to develop and adapt, makes you move forward through overcoming life stress. The sacred Center is responsible for perseverance and performance, as well as enhances…

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4-63 Logic Channel

Type: Projected. Circuit: Collective Group, Circuit of Understanding. Channel 4-63 Human Design Logic Channel connects the Parietal and Ajna Center through the Gate of Doubt (63) and the Gate of Formulation (4). The parietal Center creates mental pressure to search for the meaning and purpose of life, is responsible for directing attention. Ajna Center is…

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5-15 Rhythm Channel

Channel 5-15 Human Design Rhythm Channel is essential in Human Design. This Channel determines the direction of the life force, it contains the whole essence of the logic, based on which life paves our way in accordance with certain patterns. The variety of life patterns combined with their many rhythms gives us the so-called flow of…

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6-59 Intimacy Channel

You are capable of forging strong creative and personal alliances. 6-59 Intimacy Channel Human design helps you to build deep and trusting relationships that are potentially fertile in every sense. Channel 6-59 Human Design connects two energy Centers – Sacral, which is responsible for all vital energy, and Emotional, also known as the Solar Plexus,…

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31-7 Alpha Channel

Channel 31-7 Human Design Alpha Channel – Leadership Channel. It connects Center G with the Throat Center. Communication occurs through the 7 Gates of the Role “I” and 31 Gates of Leadership. The energy flowing out from the 31 Gates located in the Throat Center gets into the 7 Gates of the G Center, thereby the…

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9-52 Concentration Channel

The design of a person with Channel 9-52 Human Design Concentration Channel is different in that its owner can bring clarity to the most chaotic process. Focusing on details is a unique ability of such a person. The Channel of Concentration connects the Root and Sacral Centers. Gate 9 – The focus gate, it concentrates…

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10-20 Awakening Channel

You know your path exactly and go in the right direction. Channel 10-20 Human Design Awakening  Channel in Human design is especially sincere. Self-esteem and love of life are your engine. This Channel connects as a link between the Ji Center, which is responsible for self-determination, love and life direction of a person, and the…

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10-34 Research Channel

Your goal is to fully trust yourself and your inner beliefs. Channel 10-34 Human Design Research Channel in Human Design leads you in the right direction if you follow your response. You came to this world to explore everything that surrounds you: people, projects, territories etc. For this you have vitality and love to yourself.…

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10-57 Perfect Form Channel

You are the artist of your own life. Channel 10-57 Human Design Perfect Form Channel in Human Design helps the wearer follow his intuition, talent and desire to create beautiful shapes. Do not be afraid of life, you will adapt everywhere. This channel is the link between the Splenic Center, which is responsible for intuition…

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11-56 Curiosity Channel

Channel 11-56 Human Design Curiosity Channel Human Design is about eternal pursuit, not goal achievement. Your ideas motivate others to take action. Learn to enjoy the search process, but don’t seek results. Curiosity Channel 11-56 endows its owners with an incredible zeal to receive as much knowledge, ideas and new experiences as possible. The reason for…

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12-22 Openness Channel

People with Channel 12-22 Human Design Openness Channel are highly influenced by emotions. They can be great actors who influence other people in a very interesting way with the help of their deep and rich emotional inner world. This is very interesting to observe how they behave in public. 12-22 Openness Channel in Human Design…

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13-33 Prodigal Son Channel

The bearer of Channel 13-33 Human Design Prodigal Son Channel is designed to live on and pass on to others. Past mistakes are warnings to other people. This is a leadership Channel. The Channel belongs to the Circuit of Sensations and connects the Throat and G Centers through 13 Listener Gates and 33 Seclusion Gates.…

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16-48 Waves of Manifestation Channel

Channel 16-48 Human Design Waves of Manifestation Channel in Human Design has a Talent that needs constant implementation and improvement. Developing what you love is the exact key to a person’s success with Channel 16-48. The Wave Channel of manifestation connects the Splenic and Throat Centers. The connection takes place through 48 Depth Gates and 16…

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17 – 62 Acceptance Channel

Channel 17-62 Human Design Acceptance Channel in Human Design belongs to the group of collective circuits and is responsible for the manifestation of logic. The Channel of Acceptance connects the Throat Center and the Ajna Center, therefore, all thought processes in the head of a person who has such a Channel are processed by logic. The…

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18-58 Judgment Channel

Channel 18-58 Human Design Judgment Channel in Human Design has tremendous energy to improve patterns. The Insatiable design requires a constant burst of energy. You should not impose your opinion, you just need to wait for the moment for implementation. Channel 18-58 connects the Root Center with the Splenic Center and consists of the Gate…

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19-49 Synthesis Channel

A person with Channel 19-49 Human Design Synthesis Channel is extremely sensitive. He is distinguished by the ability to find a balance between his own interests and the needs of others. They turn to him for a fair decision. 19-49 Synthesis Channel in Human Design connects the Root Center and the Solar Plexus Center through…

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20-57 Neural Wave Channel

Follow your intuition and impulses. Thanks to Channel 20-57 Human Design, its owner should not rely on rational impulses of the mind in controversial situations, the body makes the right decisions. Channel 20-57 Human Design Neural Wave Channel connects the Throat Center, which is responsible for the manifestation of a person through statements and actions, and…

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20-34 Charisma Channel

Channel 20-34 Human Design Charisma Channel in Human Design connects the 34 Gates located in the Sacred Center with the 20 Gates located in the Throat Center. By nature, it is pure Manifesting Generator possessing the Sacred Response Generator potential and the ability to initiate from the Manifesto. There are no prerequisites for a “smart”…

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21-45 Money Channel

You were born to make money. Willpower is the main assistant in work. Employment is not for you. You are the sole player who cannot tolerate submission. The main thing is to learn how to delegate. Channel 21-45 Human Design Money Channel connects the Heart Center to the Throat Center through 21 Hunter’s Gates and 45 Collector’s Gates. This…

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23-43 Structuring Channel

Channel 23-43 Human Design Structuring Channel connects the Gates of Assimilation located at Throat Center 23 and located at Ajna Center 43 Gates of Illumination. This Channel paves the direct path from the mind to the throat, from the process of mental thinking to the direct formation and articulation of thoughts in “human” language. The…

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24-61 Mindfulness Channel

The gift of your mind is to inspire other people. Channel 24-61 Human Design Mindfulness Channel is periodic insights that contain deep truth. Your mind is always working but insights come suddenly. The Channel of awareness connects the Parietal Center which is responsible for the pressure to cognize and ask questions, and the Ajna Center…

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25-51 Initiation Channel

Your life is a competition with yourself. Through Channel 25-51 Human Design Initiation Channel Human Design, you strive to improve and become the best version of yourself, trying to jump into the unknown, and you also motivate others. The Channel of Initiation connects the Heart Center, which is responsible for ego, dignity and honor, with…

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26-44  Change Channel

Working with people is your unique gift. With the help of Channel 26-44 Human Design Change Channel Human Design, you can present any product or idea in such a way that it will be appreciated and wanted to be purchased. Submit your ideas wherever there is interest in them. Channel 26-44 Human Design connects the…

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27-50 Preservation Channel

You are born to be responsible. Channel 27-50 Human Design Preservation Channel Human design empowers you with the role of a caregiver. You are inclined to show concern for others and this is sorely lacking in our world. 27-50 Preservation Channel The Preservation Channel connects the Sacral Center, which is responsible for life energy, sexuality,…

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28-38 Struggle Channel

Holders of Channel 28-38 Human Design Struggle Channel are born to fight. Channel 28-38 Human design endows you with the natural gift of perseverance with which you walk through life. Fighting is not a forced measure, but a way of life. The Struggle Channel connects the Root Center, which is responsible for physical pressure, and…

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29-46 Discovery Channel

Immerse yourself in life experiences by following your Strategy and Authority, but do not create any expectations. As a result, you will understand that there are no defeats, there are only new discoveries. Channel 29-46 Human Design Discovery Channel connects the Sacred Center with the Center G through the 29 Gate of Perseverance and 46…

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41-30 Recognition Channel

The design of Channel 41-30 Human Design Recognition Channel man is intended to fulfill the true desires of its owner. The main thing is to determine your real goal. Focused energy design is revealed only in the true Self. The Channel of Recognition directly connects the Root Center with the Solar Plexus Center. Connection occurs through…

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32-54 Transformation Channel

You are a perpetual motion machine that needs development and material success. Surround yourself with allies to transform your potential into action that is truly valuable and worthy of tribal recognition. Channel 32-54 Human Design Transformation Channel connects the Root Center to the Splenic Center. Communication is through 54 Gates of Ambition and 32 Gates of…

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34-57 Power Channel

Your intuition is your helper and protector. Channel 34-57 Human Design has Archetype Design. Follow your inner response and then an incredible flow of energy will open up for you to apply in life. Power Channel 34-57 Channel 34-57 Human Design Power Channel connects the Sacral Center, which is responsible for life energy and sexuality, with the…

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35-36 Transience Channel

Because of Channel 35-36 Human Design Transience Channel, your life consists of experiences in which you should not at all look for logic. Embark on adventures, because only they lead to the main goal – the acquisition of wisdom in order to share or teach it to others. The Channel of transience is a straight…

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37-40 Community Channel

In Human Design, Channel 37-40 Human Design Community Channel connects the Friendship Gate located at the Solar Plexus Center 37 and the 40 Gate of Solitude located at the Heart Center. The nature of the Channel can be expressed in different ways, depending on the Type. But in any case, there will be a clear…

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39-55 Emoting Channel

An emotional wave is your engine, ride it. Owner of Channel 39-55 Human Design Emoting Channel 39-55 Human Design should be able to live in a state of mood swings. Downs are as important as ups. The Emoting Channel connects the Root Center, which is responsible for physical pressure, with the Solar Plexus Center, which…

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42-53 Ripening Channel

Life cycles are very important to you. Before entering a new one – analyze. If you did, follow through. Patterns that have not been lived will always return in a new experience. Channel 42-53 Human Design Ripening Channel connects the Root and Sacral Сenters. 53 Gates of Beginnings and 42 Gates of Growth together give a powerful resource…

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47-64 Abstraction Channel

The mind of a person with Channel 47-64 Human Design is designed to inspire and help others. As you search for the meaning of life forever, learn to enjoy the moment. The Channel of Abstraction connects the Parietal and Ajna Centers. Communication occurs through Gate 64 of Confusion and Gate 47 of Realization. The owner…

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Destination by date of birth

Now you’ll learn about what destination means by date of birth and a simple way to understand your own with a special tool. The main question of human existence over the centuries has been: “What are we living for?” It would be rather sad if life would really be meaningless, and all our efforts would…

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Profile 1/3 Investigator – Martyr

For your Profile 1/3 Human Design, the most important condition for a comfortable life is stability. Wherever you are, no matter what you do, you will not be able to fully surrender to it if you are not sure that you will not lose everything overnight. This applies to both the life situation and the…

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Profile 1/4 Explorer – Opportunist

Each Profile is a synthesis of two Lines – conscious and unconscious. In the case of Profile 1/4 Explorer – Opportunist, we are talking about the conscious manifestation of the 1st Line of the Explorer and the subconscious manifestation of the 4th Line of the Opportunist. To understand how your inherent Profile ¼ Human Design will…

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Profile 2/4 – Hermit Opportunist

Profile 2/4 Human Design (Hermit Opportunist) is a terrific example of how amazing a person can be. This Profile combines two highly controversial manifestations between which you balance. On the one hand, you prefer peace and solitude when you can calmly go about your business. On the other hand, you are periodically drawn to go…

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Profile 2/5 Hermit – Heretic

Each Profile is a synthesis of two Lines – conscious and unconscious. In your specific case, we are talking about the conscious manifestation of the 2nd Line of the Hermit and the subconscious manifestation of the 5th Line of the Heretic. To understand how your inherent Profile 2/5 Hermit – Heretic in Human Design will…

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Profile 3/5 Martyr-Heretic

Throughout their lives, people with Profile 3/5 go through an endless cycle of trial and error. You try something new for yourself, make a mistake, repeat the process. And so on until you understand how to do it right. Learning from your failures, you naturally, but gradually gain true wisdom, the experience of proper coexistence…

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4/6 Profile Opportunist-Role Model

The 4/6 Profile in Human Design – These people constantly run to extremes. You don’t know how best to make decisions – mind or heart, and that’s why you are overcome by constant doubts. Logic rarely agrees with the voice of feelings, and because of this, you may feel some “duality” of your nature. But…

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Profile 4/1 Opportunist – Explorer

Each Profile is a synthesis of two Lines – conscious and unconscious. In the case of Profile 4/1 Opportunist – Explorer, we are talking about the conscious manifestation of the 4th Line of the Opportunist and the subconscious manifestation of the 1st Line of the Explorer. To understand how your 4/1 Profile will affect your life,…

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5/1 Profile Heretic Researcher

The Human Design 5/1 Profile may be called a people’s favorite. Foreign projections are always superimposed on him, they see in him someone who can help with the solution of any problem. And although such an opinion is very superficial, it cannot be called fundamentally wrong. The Heretic Researcher is “nourished” by the expectations of…

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Profile 5/2 Heretic – Hermit

Each Profile is a synthesis of two Lines – conscious and subconscious. In your case, we are talking about the conscious manifestation of the 5th Line of the Heretic and the subconscious manifestation of the 2nd Line of the Hermit. To understand how your Profile 5/2 Heretic – Hermit will affect your life, it is worth talking…

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6/2 Profile Hermit Role Model

The 6/2 Profile does not have something fixed, permanent, which would be their characteristic throughout life. At different periods they are being transformed, taking a new shape, suffering a transformation through the 6th Line of the Role Model. Believing in one thing, in a few years they may completely forget about yesterday’s beliefs, switching to…

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Profile 6/3 Role Model Martyr

Key topic Profile 6/3 The role model of the Martyr is constant trial and error. Inside you there is an insatiable need for new sensations, emotions and impressions that will push you to search for adventures. This is akin to the primitive research spirit living in the greatest discoverers of the past. But you are…

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What is Human Design. 5 basics

The desire to know oneself is peculiar to every human being, and there are different ways to achieve the desired result. Human Design is a relatively new scientific field, which is often called experimental, because you can feel all the changes on yourself. This system of self-knowledge miraculously combines elements of seemingly inconsistent sciences and…

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The Human Design Generator is the most common Type on Earth, whose representatives make up about 70% of the total population. It is no exaggeration to say that this Type is among the most important ones. It has an amazing ability to independently generate energy, which is used for work and life. Generators are often…

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Manifesting Generator

Manifesting Generator is a combination of the classic Generator and Manifestor, a mix of the strengths and weaknesses of both Types in one person. Potentially, this is the most powerful Type, which is able to reach incredible heights thanks to the large supply of energy and the ability to initiate. But it is the MG…

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Among people associated with Human Design, the Projector is called the manager of the future. This is the Type, which only recently (in relation to human history) began to develop, and is gradually gaining more and more authority among the other types. Naturally possessed of the qualities of true leaders, they skillfully lead people, achieving…

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Manifestor Type – you can rightfully call them representatives of the Type of Power. They have the initiating ability of humanity. While others must wait for something or someone before taking action, They are able to simply take the bull by the horns and independently navigate life. Without asking anyone, they always put their opinion…

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Aura:  Tasting False Self Topic:  Disappointment Strategy: Waiting for the Lunar Cycle Signature: Delight In Human Design, the Reflector is the most unusual and distinctive personality type. All open Centers on the Bodygraph encourage such people to interact with energy in a unique way. Through open gates, they connect with other auras, forming strong channels for the exchange of energy. On…

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