Ra Uru Hu was on the island of Ibiza when, from January 3 to 11, 1987, he had a mystical experience, which he described as receiving information from the Voice. It was “The Voice” who told him about the Human Design system, and also told about the changes that await humanity in 2027.
The “Voice” told Ra Uru Hu that the era of humans was ending. The year 1781 was marked by the beginning of the era of the 9 Сentered creatures that you and I are.
7 Centered man (7 chakra) was oriented towards the mind and external authorities. It was replaced by a more advanced and inward-looking 9 Сentered form. Today each of us has nine Centers. The new bodies are designed for a long life span (on average, 84 years, in accordance with the cycle of the Planet Uranus). Living longer is necessary to comprehend and integrate large amounts of information.
The Human Design System is a bridge connecting the evolutionary movement from the external authority of the 7 Centered beings to the personal authority of the 9 Сentered form. Our current body is a transitional model from a modern person to the next type of evolutionary chain – Raivam.
So what is Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu for 2027? According to the prediction, in 2027 we will have another transformation, which will lead to the emergence of a new human species – the Raves. These creatures will perform completely different tasks. What do we have to do and how to prepare for a new era, which is less than ten years away?
Raves: features and strength
After 2027, the Solar Plexus Center will become the Center of Mindfulness. Consequently, people born after this year will have a lot of potential for emotional awareness. Ra Uru Hu spoke about the main features of the Raves:
- external emotionlessness;
- social detachment from other people;
- vegetarianism;
- hypersensitive skin;
- problems with speech;
- poor eyesight;
- lack of desire for knowledge;
- differences in Bodygraph.
Raves will look like they are disabled (and will be perceived as such by parents at first). In order for the mutation to occur, they must be combined into groups (Pents), combined with each other. Groups of three to five Raves will help them merge into one consciousness, in which they will communicate with each other. It is the moment of merging that will be considered the true birth of Rave.
This shared consciousness will be the structure that will govern each Rave and Penta at the same time. The energy-informational field of their unification will emit and receive frequencies (this will be possible due to the transformation of the Solar Plexus Center). They will communicate in this field, so poor eyesight and speech problems will not interfere with their communication. Together, Raves will be much stronger and more effective than any person.
Interaction of Raves and People
Raves will not be interested in people’s lives. They will be indifferent to our spiritual and material values, they do not need our territory. They will not consider a person either as a competitor or as a partner, as much as possible distance and interacting with each other. Due to limited contacts and lack of mutual understanding, people and Raves will exist as if in parallel realities.
Raves will create their own separate civilization, to which we will be denied access due to a lack of understanding of the processes occurring between them (we will never get access to the world of their frequencies). They will not live like us. The only thing that the Raves will depend on us and people is their birth. After all, it is the representatives of the human species that will be their parents.
Changes after 2027 years
From 2027, the world will no longer take into account the interests of people, now it will take the side of the Raves. For example, Raves will not eat animal food, so people will be disconnected from the animal world (people will become vegetarians, pets will run wild, some animals will suffer from previously unknown diseases).
“Golos” notified Ra Uru Hu of the upcoming global disasters of a man-made or natural nature, which we are already witnessing all over the world. According to the prediction, no more than one third of all people inhabiting the planet will survive. The emergence of epidemics is possible: if you study the historical facts, it was they that claimed many human lives. For example, in the 14th century, more than 25 million Europeans fell victim to the bubonic plague epidemic.
In addition, we are waiting for the cessation of attempts to search for God as a higher power, which explains everything and restrains the aggressive nature of man. If a person lives his False Self, and he was protected from crimes only by the fear of God’s punishment, there will be no more obstacles for his dark manifestations.
Many social institutions will be destroyed: there will be no hospitals, they will stop paying pensions, and the number of divorces will increase (we see the beginning of the crisis today). Individualism and consumerism will become the main trends. Interestingly, the forecasts of famous political scientists generally coincide with the prophecies of Ra Uru Hu regarding social institutions. The motto of every person in the new era will be “I am busy with myself and my survival”.
How do we get ready in the new era?
In light of the changes to come, Human Design is the only knowledge that will help transform ourselves through the Living Your Design experiment in order to survive after 2027. We have a unique opportunity to observe the ongoing processes. Thanks to this, we will see a new, unknown to us form of life – Raiva.
By studying his Design, trusting in Strategy and Authority, a person will be able to tune in with his inner navigator. Then, in this stream, he will be able not only to survive, but also to be successful in the future. In these difficult times, when all the usual foundations will be destroyed, only those who know how to make decisions based on inner Authority and which Strategy to follow will be able to stay alive and healthy. My Design is my guide, a logical system that anyone can test for themselves. While we still have time to experiment.
Ra Wuhu Hu said, “This is the time to teach people to be their own authority because the door is closing.” This means that no matter how difficult times are, if a person knows his nature and can trust it, he will always live his life in its entirety, no matter what the world around will be like.
A full decoding of your chart in pdf format is available here.
I don’t think it’s necessary or helpful to think about some details of human design like this prophecy. Also the so called epidemics have not really been actual ones, but man-made inventions and resets. We are in the midst of another one now.
Agreed. This rave stuff feels totally terrifying and honestly out of alignment with truth. We are all aspects of the same light, there arent meant to be any “separate” beings
I don’t think you have much awareness of the younger generations then. I’ve been experiencing such strangeness with them. And it’s only the beginning.
I second your statement in its entirety Endless love and blessed journeys to us all
What was the point of ‘The Voice’ revealing the Human Design system then or was it just to tell us this is the final scene in our show? So…on this basis the human race as we now know it will be extinct in what 100 years time even if you survive as one of the third…but we can all go out knowing we followed our human design!
Ridiculousness. Ever so often in human history come these self proclaimed prophets who have been told something important by some entity (Voice, in this case), and up to this point in human history we have yet to see ANY of these prophets’ prophecies come true. I have a feeling there will be no “Raves” in 2027- just a bunch of kids addicted to their technology, and yes, because they have no real social skills, they will be emotionless or sickly appearing or whatever else he characterized them as! We need to put less stock in what self proclaimed prophets, gurus have to say and find our own path in this life. We all have to potential and the knowledge- no need to follow any chart or design.
I think the raves are autistic children, there’s a growing number of them year by year
He’s Jewish after all. He even looks like one. I hate Jews.
Ah, the old ‘I don’t like this person, must be a jew’
Tried to comment something that did not necessarily agree with all this and instead of posting my comment, I got a notification saying GO AWAY SPAMMER! Nice! When someone has a different viewpoint, they’re automatically deemed as spammers? Such open minded attitudes.
I hope the so called Raves are good at growing things, including mushrooms and fruit orchards. If they have sensitive skin, they better figure out a way to keep sheep for wool and process it so its soft (or lamas or whatever). If they cannot handle the sun, they better live in the cold climates and harden up a bit. Animal foods and fats might come in handy there. And if they don’t respect their parents, they might end up on the street where they can hook up and form a penta. Lack of compassion for the other? Well luck to humanity that exists without compassion. As far as the institutions as we know them – They are indeed worthless save for a few basic needs – Doctors for trauma and emergencies, basic signage for communication and the enjoyment of storytelling for kids and basic math. Fancy engineering feats and richly paid science researchers who talk gibberish and conclude that “further studies are needed” with your taxpayer grant money will fade out hopefully. Maybe all these Raves will learn to grow potatoes up North and sweet potatoes down South and a few useful ways to blend with nature.
Love this 😀 😀 😀
This doesn’t make sense in terms of how the direction of society needs to go? Shouldn’t we be evolving into more empathetic and loving humanity to strengthen ourselves? What are the point of these raves?
It might seem counter-intuitive but individualism can sometimes equate to more empathy. When we’re too concerned about what others think, we lie to ourselves and them about who we are and end up surrounded by people we have no ability to empathize with. It could be interpreted as more of a “build it and they will come” approach to love.
Agree with this. The whole Apocalypse thing is getting old. It may or may not happen, and as to when it does and in what form, who knows? We will deal with it when it does, or we go extinct. Also without emotions, communication skills, or empathy, how will they care for themselves? Or will we have to do it until the 2/3rds plague, and then those remaining will have to figure it out or starve…
Just a practical question: how are the Raves gonna survive if two thirds of humanity is going to go extinct? And they are dependent on humans to even be born, as RA states. Or will another way of conception and/or birth evolve?
Anyway: a new generation of more socially distant and emotionally stunted humans will not be born after 2027, imho. They’re already here. Just look around you. If you can take your eyes off your phone, that is… 😉
P.S. I need to tick the box: ‘I am human’ if I want to post this comment. Four more years, to add the box: ‘I am Rave.’ Just thinking ahead here.
I agree with you. The way Raves are described is something we already see now in many people. It seems quite sad when you have lived in another time with more real social interactions with more quality time and when you see the development the world is going into. I often even ask myself if such a planet with emotionally distant or absent people is even worth living. It seems a rather dark future what Human Design is telling us here.
So the Asperger’s kids will take over the world? It does seem a bit drastic.
I am inclined to believe that ‘downloads’ exist – Voices from within that do not feel like it generated from our own thought but comes from and external source. I have experienced downloads myself (I am a Projector with Splenic Authority). I have experienced clairaudience, clairsentience, and connections from the other side. However, just because one cannot relate or have this extra sense, does not mean that it does not exist. Take worms for instance: a worm only has two senses, the sense of smell and the sense of touch. It has no idea there is light all around it when it comes to the surface for water, because it has no sense of sight. It is entirely possible some humans have more senses that cannot be proven with science (yet). We can’t see neutrinos, electrons and photons but they exist.
As I read this, I believe the prophecy is already playing out and has a ring of truth to it, especially if we pair it with the human experience and our current global experience that is co-existing right now. There have been record breaking climate changes in 2023, including the warmest temperatures to date, that have had huge climate impacts. Fires, floods, tornados, hurricanes, volcano eruptions and the like have been escalating and trending in the wrong direction. A world update as of today, November 18, 2023 from the last two months of human experience:
Oct 7, Hamas militants enter Israili towns on a Jewish holiday and kill dozens and abduct others, causing Israel to retaliate. War breaks out. Oct 9, Pro-Palestinian demonstrators spill into streets, protesters gather, tension escalates around the world. Oct 12, UN is warning Israel that it is violating international humanitarian law. Oct 24, 23andMe DNA genetic testing site announced user data targeting Ashkenazi Jews was stolen. Shortly there after, it was listed for sale on the dark web. Nov 14, “It is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust,” Netanyahu wrote on X.
If this is the second coming of Christ, then I want to live my authentic self (and find what joy I can) so my LIGHT will be recognized and taken home, wherever that HOME is.
I think Elon Musk who owns X (formally known as Twitter) might have it right. Humans are the aliens that invaded Earth. He also has Asperger’s and is considered a genius (freak) which would fit the description of a Rave.
My son also has Asperger’s and fits the total description of a Rave. He is hyper focused on technology like Elon Musk. We still don’t know the long term affects of the COVID vaccines that the world administered to children in 2022 so infertility in the future might be a real thing.
Maybe ra had Aspergers.
I wouldn’t be surprised if ra had aspergers. Lol
I wouldn’t be surprised if ra had aspergers. Lol
Including Ra u hu, he was definitely on spectrum how else could he come with something like “human design”
Maybe ra had Aapergers.
How does this prophecy fit with the increase of manifestors to 15% by 2027? What is our role in this?
Thank you
I find this so hard to square with how much human design helps me. If I’d read this first, I would have dismissed Ra Uru as another overly dramatic new-age guru-wannabe nutter. But human design on the other and is the most helpful channeling I’ve ever seen. I suspect the difference might be in that HD is practical while this prophecy is not focused on solving any particular problem. When I channel myself, I find my best skill comes when I’m solving a problem, when I’m trying to manifest something and spiritual support comes through to support me in what I’d otherwise still be doing on my own.
Obviously time will tell about the veracity of these claims 🙂 but my own psychic senses say “nope” along with my common sense, and the nice thing is, they go hand in hand 🙂
Totally agree and resonate with your comment ❤️
Beautiful comment that I totally resinate with too
Beaucoup trop de contradictions dans cette prophétie ! D’un côté, les influences pour devenir plus individualistes, d’un autre côté, une nouvelle race qui aura besoin de merger entre ses membres pour être complète. Enfin, le programme semble passer son temps à affaiblir les nouveaux habitants de la terre. L’ensemble est bien déprimant et ne respire pas l’Amour. Conclusion : le programme ne nous aime pas, ne nous veut aucun bien. On ne peut l’apprécier également. Qui lui a donné ce pouvoir ?
The predictions Ra Uruhu received in 1987 are no longer accurate. Since that time, Earth’s frequency has radically evolved, powerful Universal forces have focused their love and attention on our planet’s well-being, and humanity is being offered the opportunity to evolve too (or depart). We are no longer headed toward a grim future of marginalization and annihilation. Rather, we are about to enter a New Golden Era of Human Consciousness. Spread the word!
The biosphere is collapsing actually. The predictions are generous if anything. It’s not about goodwill. Go to r/collapse to understand a bit more about the actual biological basis that sustains this civilization and our lives. Good luck dealing with collapse awareness.
Well said.
What happened in the last few years, was a huge setback for powers that should not be. Humanity awakened instead of falling into their trap. Hopefully, the rest of the sheeple will smarten up already too. We can do this together. Holding space and staying high.
Agreed! A’ho!
It makes more sense to be careful which prophesy you believe, because that’s what you will manifest. Be at peace, Beloveds. +
Agreed! A’ho!
Hmm. I think someone was projecting an internal fantasy through a ketamine haze.
Spirits have been communicating with gurus and prophets since the beginning of time, and the messages have always been misunderstood or lost in translation. The Human Design system might be useful, but that doesn’t mean the Voice was truthful, knowledgeable about our future, or right.
Yes, spirits, gods and daemons are real, and they speak to us. That doesn’t mean they’re automatically good sources of information for a variety of reasons.
It’s ironic that we would give this dubious source (or any other) credibility regarding our future precisely when the system they transmitted (which, unlike their prediction, is proven in practice to be useful for navigating our lives) is telling us to follow our own authority.
In 2027, China is expected to cease Taiwan. Russia is at war. Perhaps there is truth that something nasty happens in 2027. How does 2/3rd of population die out? Nuclear war? But what is he saying that it will be the end of unique human designs? Isn’t that a bit depressing? is he saying the new ‘Borg’ (like in Star Trek) is somehow desirable or just inevitable? Will there be a band of rebel ‘old style’ individual humans hiding out somewhere and to continue that seed, or is it a good thing that we all die off in favor of this new Penta-Rave?