Throat Center

Subject: Communication and Manifestation Function:  Metamorphoses and transformation through interaction with the world Biological conformity The Throat Center is directly connected with the endocrine system, which is responsible for transformation and metamorphosis, and monitors our metabolism. It is she who regulates energy exchange, determines our appearance and mobility: what we are – small or large, full or…

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Crown Center

Subject: Mental Pressure Function: Inspiration Implementation: Questions, doubts, confusion Biological compliance Since the Crown Center is closely connected with the pineal gland (pineal gland), it is responsible for similar processes occurring in our body. The main function of the Crown Center is to provide a continuous flow of information between the neocortex and the gray areas of…

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Root Center

Subject: Physical adrenaline pressure Function: The driving force of life Implementation: Stress Biological compliance The Root Center is closely connected with the adrenaline system, together with which it performs one of the most important biological functions – the production of stress hormones. As much as we would like, but it is impossible to avoid stress. Any event or action necessarily…

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Ajna Center

Subject: Mental awareness Function: Conceptualization, interpretation Implementation: Answers in the form of opinions, concepts and theories Biological compliance At the mental level, the Ajna Center duplicates the biological functions of the visual cortex (processing visual information), the neocortex (the formation of complex forms of behavior) and the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the growth and development of…

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Solar Plexus Center

Subject: Spirit Consciousness Function: Social and Emotional Awareness Implementation: Passion, Desire, Mood, Sensuality Biological compliance The Solar Plexus Center at the mental level oversees the work of the lungs, kidneys, pancreas and prostate glands, and also closely connected with our entire nervous system. When a person is bathed in positive emotions, boldly looks to the future, then, as…

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Heart Center

Subject: Willpower Function: Material World Implementation: Ego Biological compliance The Heart Center unites under its protectorate only four gates, which are connected with the heart (21 Hunter’s Gate), the stomach (40 the Gate of Solitude), the thymus (26 the Egoist’s Gate) and the gallbladder (51 Shock’s Gate). Those who neglect the work of this Center, as a rule, are…

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Sacral Center

Subject: Power of Fertility Function: Life Energy  Implementation: Sexuality, Accessibility, Responsiveness Biological conformity The Sacral Center is closely connected with the reproductive system of the human body, which maintains the survival of our species through the reproduction of offspring. The Sacral Center itself obliges us not only to “multiply and multiply”, but also to take care of our offspring,…

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G Center

Subject: Love, Identity, Direction Function: Your Life Compass Implementation: Higher Self Biological conformity Physiologically, the G Center mentally duplicates the activity of the liver and circulatory system and plays an extremely important role in the incarnation process. Magnetic Monopole, being one of the main components of the G Center, has a single pole that is tuned to attract the…

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Splenic Center

Subject: Body Consciousness Function: Maintaining immunity and intuition   Implementation: Health and Wellness, Values, Immune System Biological compliance The spleen with its T-lymphocytes is the basis of our immune system, which is responsible for our health with you, and the Splenic Center, closely connected with it, is the mental control panel for all systems of the human body, which…

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