Understanding people through Human Design

Each person is a complex mechanism with unique ways of functioning. We often try to understand others through the lens of our own experiences or popular psychological theories. But that’s like trying to use an iPhone manual to set up an Android device—both are smartphones, but their inner workings are completely different. Human Design offers…

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The Tribal Group of Contours: The Power of Community

The Tribal Group of Contours: The Power of Community and Mutual Support in Human Design The basis of Human Design lies in the concept of interaction between people through channels and gates that form unique contours. The Tribal group of contours is one of the most significant and ancient, reflecting the need for survival and…

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The Human Design System and Bodygraph

What is a Bodygraph? A Bodygraph is a unique map that represents the energetic structure of a person within the framework of the Human Design System. This system combines elements of astrology, Kabbalah, the chakra system, I Ching, and genetics, creating a comprehensive approach to understanding human nature. The Bodygraph is built based on the…

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Understanding Inner Authority: How It Can Change Your Life

We live in a world where we often rely on the opinions of others and follow standards imposed by society. However, on the path to self-discovery and personal growth, it’s essential to realize that true authority lies within us. In Human Design, inner authority is our internal compass that helps us make decisions aligned with…

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Role gates in Bodygraph

The role gates in Bodygraph are 6 gates responsible for our behavior in different roles. They operate in certain social settings: in a family circle, among coworkers, when interacting with strangers. Role gates influence the impression we make and our relationship with our surroundings. They also shape our behaviors: sexual, leadership, creative and help us…

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Pdf decoding or online counseling

The article was written by the specialists of the site life-chart.art Human Design is a science that studies the human genetic program, according to which each of us belongs to a certain type of personality. Deciphering the Bodygraph can help a person discover their inner talents and potential. There are three ways to decipher the…

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Sleeping Gates

Few people know that a Gate in your chart can only have 2 states. Sleeping and Hanging. It depends on the state of the center they are in. If the center is defined, then the gates in it will be hanging. If the center is not defined, then the gates with their qualities will be…

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Streams of awareness Human Design

Today we are going to talk about streams of awareness in Human Design. What are they and how are they formed? The formation of a stream of awareness consists of four basic steps: the birth of the fuel for awareness in one of the Pressure Centers; the emergence of the potential for the formation of…

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Types of Projector invitations

As we know, Projector lives in anticipation of an invitation. And waiting is the most difficult process imaginable. And in that sense it can sometimes be very difficult for Projector in the sense that he has to wait a very long time to be called upon to do something. But that’s not all. Even if…

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How to improve workability

The rhythm of modern life forces almost all of us to be in a constant state of energy. We work, study, engage in interesting projects, travel, make repairs, build houses, buy real estate, etc. All this requires a lot of energy and strength from us. Besides, each of us has some important goals in life.…

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Different Types in creativity

There is a creative streak in all of us. We are all capable of being creative in one way or another. And Human Design, as well as many other systems of self-knowledge, is quite a vivid proof of it. If you look at the Bodygraphs of various people, no matter what they do, who they…

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The role of each Type in relationship

Each Type plays a unique role in this world. And this applies to absolutely any sphere of life, be it work, life, creativity or relationships. In this article we will analyze what role each Type plays in relationships: what are the strengths and weaknesses of each Type, what lessons they can bring to their other…

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Responsibility in Human Design

In this article we will look at the concept of responsibility and how it can manifest itself in terms of Human Design. What features of Design suggest that a person can be called responsible? What opennesses indicate that there may be problems with responsibility? And how to use one’s weaknesses to one’s advantage, transforming them…

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Energy addiction in Human Design

What is energy addiction from the point of view of Human Design? First of all, let’s remember what energy is. It is essentially the basic life force with which we do various things. Energy is what life is all about. If a person does not have energy, he cannot live a full life. However, from…

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The role of each Type in Human Design

Type is one of the fundamental concepts in Human Design. It is the unique energetic mechanics of form that lays down a specific way of interacting with each of life’s spheres: love, work, self-development, etc. Type defines the differences that make some of us active and punchy and others quiet and expectant, among others. Today…

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Alcohol and open Centers

We often say that alcohol exposes the soul. What can we say about this in terms of Human Design? Undoubtedly, drinking alcoholic beverages affects our behavior. Some people become very active, sing songs and dance, while others become withdrawn and immersed in heavy thinking. In this matter everything is strictly individual. And here it is…

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Manifestor and work

Manifestor is the only Type for whom initiative is correct. It is Manifestors who can manifest themselves as independent, autonomous and freedom-loving individuals. Of course, the other Types, if they follow their Strategy, can manifest themselves in the same way, but the Manifestor can manifest it especially brightly, because it is the Type that has…

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Influence of defined Centers

In each person’s Bodygraph there are 9 Centers – places of accumulation of life energy. Depending on the conditions (date, place, time of birth, etc.) the Center may be defined or undefined (open). Undefined Centers show exactly where and how those around us can influence us. Conversely, if the Center is defined in our Bodygraph,…

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G center and direction

Let’s talk about G Center and direction. The Design of Man contains not only esoteric knowledge such as the interaction of Auras, the influence of lunar cycles, etc. It also presents some of the simplest, yet most important questions in the life of each individual – where to be, what to do, and who to…

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How to deal with emotional pressure

All of us have faced emotional pressure at least once in our lives. What is it? Often psychological pressure is exerted on us to make a decision or do something that is expected of us. In an emotionally unstable person, psychological pressure can often make us feel uncomfortable. We are primarily pressured through the area…

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Awakening Genetic Type Perspective

From the earliest times there have been sages in human society who felt the limitations to which our physical shell has conditioned us. The body is simply an instrument given to us for a time by nature. And although we can in various ways prolong its life, promote its health, and so on, in the…

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Conditionality in Human Design friend or enemy

The topic of conditionality in Human Design comes up very often in Human Design. This term literally means the constant energy exchange that occurs between us and the people around us. It is a constant, dynamic process, and it is in no way dependent on our will. We influence our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and even…

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Energy blackmail

Energy blackmail is the unconscious influence of one person on another. This concept should not be confused with blackmail in the ordinary sense of the word. Energy blackmail is born at the level of aura interaction, and in most cases, no one consciously directs anything, everything happens as if by itself. It doesn’t really matter…

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The Difficulties of Self-Knowledge for Projector

There are 4 Genetic Types in total on the Earth and among them the Projectors are the second most common, their number is about 20%. With all this only Projectors exist in order to constantly interact with other people – they can live and prosper only with the help of others. The basis of any…

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Is it possible not to succumb emotional influence

What is emotional influence? It’s when we are pressured by emotion. It’s a kind of manipulation that is often used in negotiations. Both positive and negative emotions can be used. The ultimate goal of such manipulation, as a rule, is to try to win the other party to our side and force him to take…

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Multitasking is good or bad

One of the favorite requirements of employers around the world is multitasking. Employees who can multitask are highly valued. This is primarily because their ability to multitask enables them to perform well and be as efficient as possible, while spending much less time on their work than most other people. If you think about it,…

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Being in relationship with Projector: what is it like

As we know, each Type in Human Design has its own individual approach. For example, Generator should be asked questions as often as possible in order to stimulate his response, with Manifestor you should always and in everything respect his personal boundaries and periodically remind him of the importance of informing, with Reflector you should…

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Three types of emotional waves in Human Design

Emotional intelligence and ecological living of emotions begins with the study of one’s emotional waves – on the rave map, they are indicated in the form of black and red channels. Channels are peculiar lines that connect one energy center to another. They are reminiscent of the arteries in our body and act in a…

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Choose a profession

It all seems so simple, as we have been told since childhood: choose a profession, go, study, start working, earn money, and grow in your career. Some people, simply following family traditions, say: “My great-grandfather was a baker, my grandfather was a baker, my father was a baker, and I should also be a baker,…

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Personal boundaries and Root Center Influence

Personal boundaries are a kind of psychological way of drawing a line between yourself and others. Without them it would be impossible to understand where your own thoughts end and those imposed on you by others and society at large begin. It is especially important to remember personal boundaries for those who do not have…

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Causes of stress for different Types and ways to avoid it

Stress is the body’s natural response to neuropsychological overload. As long as it is short-lived, it does no harm, and in some cases is even beneficial. But long periods of stress have a negative impact on health and gradually evolve into distress, which has a devastating effect not only on the psyche, but also on…

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Generator in relationship

What is Generator in relationship? Generator’s Bodygraph identifies the Sacred Center, which gives him limitless sources of inner energy. If properly managed, he is able to reach any heights and enjoy life no matter what he does. But if the Generator does not follow his Strategy of following the Response, his life will be filled…

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Who is Manifesting Generator

Who is Manifesting Generator? Manifesting Generator is a “hodgepodge” of the other two Types – Manifestor and Generator. It has strong manifestations of both of them, but, at the same time, it also has their weaknesses. Not to mention the fact that one may simply get confused in the sometimes opposing aspirations of one’s soul…

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Relationships in Human Design

Seeing a person live in accordance with their Design is a real delight to the eye. But even if a person can conquer his own nature, it does not always mean that he will be able to build the same harmonious relationship. Of course, you should always start with yourself. But if you dwell too…

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Projector and Manifestor: mistakes in relationship

There is a widespread opinion among those who study Human Design that in the union of Projector and Manifestor it is the latter who is far more interested in the preservation and development of the relationship. After all Manifestor is the Type who always remains immersed in himself, in his own thoughts and actions, and…

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Good parent

Every parent, even before the birth of a child, “tries on” the role of the ideal model for his future child. In his imagination, he can always find a common language with him, always able to understand and support the child, to give him the right advice and never snapped at him. However, in reality,…

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Traps of open Ego Center

Let’s talk about the main traps of open Ego Center. The Centers in Human Design are not just “nodes” of concentration of inner energy, but also places where the False Self is formed and manifested. And among all the Centers, it is the Heart Center that manifests itself most strongly, both at the level of…

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Projector slavery

Projectors, due to their weak social energy, very often fall under the control of representatives of other, more energetically gifted Types. Especially Generators. And that’s how we observe Projector slavery. From the outside it may look unnoticeable, seem to be a very trusting relationship between people, but no one knows how this process looks from…

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Experiment in Human Design

Experiment in Human Design is the main basis on which the system is built. Without practice, knowledge makes no sense. What do we usually hear about the experiment? Mostly we hear rave reviews about it. Experimentation is so great that your life will be filled with the wonder of satisfaction, acceptance, harmony and delight. And…

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Saturn Uranus and Chiron in Human Design. How these planets affect our lives

Today we are going to talk about the planets in Human Design and how they affect our lives. Specifically, we will talk about Saturn, Uranus and Chiron in Human Design, as these are the planets that determine the turning points in our lives. Since the end of the 18th century, mankind has once again experienced…

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Profile 6/3 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 6/3 shows up in business life. What is Profile 6/3 in business? The fact that the conscious aspect of your Profile is Sixth Line wisdom makes you a shining and unique role model. This is especially evident in the workplace. In terms of knowledge, experience, and performance,…

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Profile 4/1 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 4/1 shows up in business life. What is Profile 4/1 in business? The first thing to note is that as a 4/1 Profile holder you are an excellent teacher. However, you are not prepared to teach everyone. Your circle of communication is strictly a select group of…

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Profile 6/2 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 6/2 shows up in business life. What is Profile 6/2 Profile in business? You combine the qualities of Role Model, who influences a wide range of people and sets an example, including your colleagues, and Hermit, who has a natural gift and likes to spend time alone.…

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Profile 5/1 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 5/1 shows up in business life. What is Profile 5/1 in business? You combine the qualities of the Heretic, who is all pressured by the views of others and tries his best to live up to the expectations of others, and the Explorer, who studies the world…

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Profile 3/6 in Business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 3/6 shows up in business life. What is it like, Profile 3/6 in business? Your incessant inner argument – to plunge into life or to be above it. Your experience and discernment come together to build a sage. Your experiments are hard and dangerous, but bring you…

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Profile 2/5 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 2/5 shows up in business life. What is Profile 2/5 in business? As the holder of Profile 2/5, you are in the process of finding a compromise between the reclusive habits of the Second Line and the violent fantasies of the Fifth Line. Fantasies subconscious, but quite…

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Profile 4/6 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 4/6 shows up in business life. What is Profile 4/6 in business? You’re a shrewd observer, but you spend too much time squabbling between your head and your heart. Someday you will find balance, and the combined wisdom of these two organs will point you in the…

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Profile 5/2 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 5/2 shows up in business life. What is Profile 5/2 in business? First of all, it’s worth noting that in the course of your business life you are constantly faced with other people’s projects. Colleagues expect you to take on a complex project, lead a new department,…

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Profile 1/4 in business

Today we’re going to talk about how Profile 1/4 manifests itself in business life. What is Profile 1/4 in business? The first thing to note is that you are a typical opportunist. That is, you are willing to settle for all sorts of opportunities and prospects including in your business life. And new opportunities come…

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Profile 2/4 in business

What is Profile 2/4 in business? You are a man who loves his sanctuary. You hate being distracted when you are focused on something. Even if it’s your favorite TV show or book that you’re immersed in. But in the middle of that sanctuary is a mystery that you really want to solve. And that…

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Profile 3/5 in business

Each of us comes into this world to play a certain role. That role is defined by our Profile. Let’s look at how Profile manifests itself in the business sphere. And it manifests itself not only in ordinary life, but also in business life? We’ve already looked at how Profile 1/3 manifests itself in business.…

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Profile 1/3 in business

Each of us comes into this world to play a certain role. That role is defined by our Profile. Let’s take a look at how the Profile manifests itself in the business world. Let’s start with Profile 1/3 Explorer-Martyr. Whaе can be Profile 1/3 in business? If your Profile is 1/3, there is nothing more…

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Stress and Root Center

Our lives are invariably associated with stress. Stress is present in all areas of our lives. We are stressed not only at work, but also at home and even when we try to organize our leisure time. What are some of the reasons we tend to experience prolonged stress in our lives? Here are just…

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Ego Center and keeping promises

We all make promises one way or another. But alas, sometimes it happens that we can’t keep our promises. Not because we are bad and intentionally want to hurt someone. The problem is that we are not always able to adequately assess our own strengths. When we make a promise to someone, we may simply…

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Splenic Center False Self

Today we’re going to talk about how to properly live the Splenic Center False Self. Splenic Center is where our fears, intuitive insights, and premonitions accumulate. It is the Splenic Center that is responsible for our safety and shows us the paths we need to follow. It is through the Splenic Center that we receive…

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Open Emotional Center and Love Suffering

Much has been written about open Emotional Center carriers, mostly that they avoid confrontation and truth. And indeed they do. Open Emotional Center is a place of incredible pain and guilt. We talk about how False Themes manifest, what hooks the Mind is setting us on, forcing us to betray ourselves. And the most painful…

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Ajna Center False Self

How to properly live Ajna Center False Self. Today we’re going to talk about Ajna Center. This is where our thoughts, new theories, and concepts are born. It is Ajna Center that helps us perceive and interpret new information. People with open Ajna Center are in a vulnerable position in the sense that they often…

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Ego Center False Self

Today we’re going to talk about how to live Ego Center False Self. In some ways the Ego Center can be called the most vulnerable because it is responsible for our self-esteem. Open Ego Center is always about self-esteem problems and the inability to adequately assess one’s own strengths. How does one most effectively live…

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Sacral Center False Self

How to effectively live out Sacral Center False Self? In fact, bearers of open Sacral are very lucky in the sense that it is not at all difficult to live False Self of this Center. You don’t have to make any tremendous efforts to do it. It’s enough to become a workaholic and work harder…

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Emotional Center False Self

How to Live Emotional Center False Self? Emotional Center is one of the most complicated in terms of interaction. It is in Emotional Center that psychological co-dependency is born. And it is through emotional chemistry that serious conflicts arise between people, or conversely the deepest empathy, which is almost impossible to explain logically. To effectively…

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Root Center False Self

In previous articles we talked about how to live False Self of Crown and Throat Centers. Let’s move on to Root Center False Self. What is Root Center responsible for? Primarily for pressure and adrenaline in a good way. Carriers of defined Root Center tend to produce this very pressure and adrenaline. One might even…

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Throat Center False Self

Today we’re going to continue talking about how to live the False Self in the open Centers. In last week’s article we dealt with Crown Center, and now we move on to Throat Center False Self. Open Throat Center is where we are vulnerable. If you have open Throat Center, it automatically means it’s vital…

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Crown Center False Self

Today we are going to talk about how to live False Self. Unfortunately or fortunately, this part of our lives will invariably be present in the experiment. And do you know why? Because in the Bodygraph the False Self will always be present one way or another. You have to be ready for it, and…

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Mistakes in Human Design

When we start experimenting with our Design, mistakes are inevitable. It doesn’t happen that we start to live out our Design without making a single mistake along the way. Mistakes in Human Design are normal. Especially when it comes to something new and unexplored. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes. You shouldn’t…

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Lines Human Design

Today we will talk about Lines Human Design. They are the ones that determine how Gates present in our Bodygraph will manifest in everyday reality. They also shape our Profile. And Profile is the role we play in everyday life. Metaphorically speaking, Lines and Profile set a certain tone to our game. After all, in…

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Initiation Human Design

Today we’re going to talk about initiation Human Design. What is it and how does it work? And most importantly: who can and who cannot initiate and why? In ordinary life, we used to think that initiation is as natural a part of our everyday life as brushing our teeth in the morning. We all…

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Open Emotions Human Design

Do you know what Open Emotions Human Design experience next to Determined ones? Incredible bliss when Emotionals are at the top of the wave, and unbearable pain when Emotionals are at the bottom of the wave. Thus, through the perception of the bearers of open emotions, the state of the Emotionalists is amplified several times…

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Body Human Design

Let’s talk about Body Human Design. The entire Human Design system is tied to the Body and how it feels. The ability to listen to your body is the key to becoming in tune with your nature and living a happy and harmonious life. Our body is a very subtle instrument designed to respond to…

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Individuality Human Design

Today we’re going to talk about the Individual Circuit in Human Design. How does individuality Human Design work? First of all it is deaf to any external influence. Deafness is one of the key properties of individuality. You can tell it the same thing a hundred times and it won’t hear you. She will not…

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Expectation Human Design

Today we’re going to talk about expectation Human Design. Expectation is one of the hooks of our Mind. When we begin to live out our true Design, we should, if possible, give up all expectations: just let go of the picture that Mind draws of how things should be and surrender to what is happening…

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Strategy and Authority Human Design

Let’s talk about Strategy and Authority Human Design. The key concepts in Human Design are Strategy and Authority. This is the basis of all the basics. If we study our Design, we just can’t help but hear these words. But unfortunately, they have become so hackneyed among Experimenters that they have almost lost their original…

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Conditioning in Human Design

In Human Design you often talk about so-called conditioning. What is conditioning in Human Design? If you can’t understand what it is and how this process can harm you, then let’s imagine the following picture. A bear cub, has spent her whole life in a zoo. But at some point the bars were removed. She…

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Type Signature

We all know that the benchmark of our correctness is Signature of our Type or False Self. But what is really Type Signature Human Design? Indeed it is a pleasant feeling that each of us experiences when we live our nature correctly. By following the Strategy and Authority, the Generator feels a deep sense of…

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Source of thoughts: Crown Center

What do you think is the source of thoughts? Some think that the brain generates thoughts by passing electrical current between synapses. Others believe that the brain is nothing more than a receiver, and thoughts come from somewhere outside. And still others say that thoughts are nothing more than illusions, exactly the same as the rest of the…

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Making decision with Authority

The ability of making decision independently is a luxury that is becoming less and less available to people. We are influenced by society and in many ways must play by its rules. Take the banal rules of the road – are we going to ignore them if it puts our lives at risk? Hardly. And so it is…

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Who shouldn’t make plans

The topic of time management nowadays is more popular than ever. Never before has human society felt so acutely the shortage of the most expensive resource in the world. And this is despite the fact that every day we come up with more and more ways to save this time! We move by cars and…

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How to stop considering yourself worse than others?

One of the most urgent problems in the modern world is such a psychological phenomenon as self-esteem with all its consequences. Any blogger-psychologist managed to write at least a couple of lines on this topic. Everyone has their own “unique” vision of where self-esteem comes from, how it is formed, and what factors influence it. In this article,…

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Is it worth it to set global goals?

Today it is very fashionable to achieve goals. Even the most global From the series: create a business, buy a house on the ocean or make the world a better place. Many coaches and even classical psychologists argue that if a person does not want to achieve something grand, then something is wrong with him: he is mentally…

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How to stop considering people ineffective

Today we are actively encouraged to be effective and productive: to boldly achieve our goals. set high standards and carry out our plans despite any circumstances. It so happened that the modern world is developing and prospering precisely because of the presence in it of such active and effective “achievers” who, by their example, and sometimes by…

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How stop to consider yourself smarter than others

It often happens that it seems to us that other people understand little about life. It seems to us that their interests are worthless, and the theories they give out are ripped from low-quality textbooks on self-development, that they are asking questions that are really not worth asking. We think they are incapable of making logical connections…

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How to learn to argue productively

In modern psychology there is a section that studies the art of complex negotiations, debates, disputes. It is called conflictology. And since in our world many issues are resolved precisely in the process of negotiations, the knowledge that this science gives us is in great demand. Some negotiators behave softly, tactfully, take into account the interests of…

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How to set a goal correctly

In the modern world of materialism and achievements, we all strive for something in one way or another. Each of us sets some goals for ourselves. Very insignificant, affecting only ourselves, or global, capable of affecting others and the world as a whole. Of course, we do not always do this based on our own desires and motives. Often,…

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Is it possible to improve intellectual abilities

Today it is very fashionable to work on oneself: to improve one’s appearance, intellectual data, to reveal hidden talents in oneself and to pump up personal efficiency. Some coaches even help their mentees increase their IQ. And on closer inspection, it all looks pretty attractive. We are fired up with the idea to improve something in ourselves and…

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What is the use of meditation

Today it is very fashionable to work with your consciousness, including meditation. Daily meditation helps us to improve our health both mentally and spiritually. However, not everyone succeeds in doing this successfully. For some, meditation really helps to calm down, to achieve a state of inner balance, to begin to relate to oneself and the world more easily…

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How to increase concentration

Many of us are doing our best to improve ourselves. Get rid of bad habits and negative qualities, reach a new level of consciousness, master exceptional skills, improve relationships with loved ones, etc. There can be dozens or even hundreds of points in a plan for self-improvement. And we all, to one degree or another, are engaged…

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Time management by Human Design

In the modern world it is very fashionable to be productive and keep up with everything. Coaches, psychologists and other professionals offer us dozens of ways to increase personal effectiveness, learn how to achieve our goals and arrange our own life the way we want it. And one of the most important components of personal effectiveness…

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How to build relationship with Generator?

Generator is one of the most common types. In this case we are talking about ordinary, not Manifesting Generators, although the latter are also quite common. Sometimes Generators are said to move our world forward. And if you think about it, this is by no means an exaggeration. Unlike all other Types, Generator can work long and hard,…

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How to choose partner by Human Design

How to choose partner by Human Design? Human Design encourages us to be ourselves. Live our nature correctly. Get rid of stereotypes that have long become an integral part of our reality. It also helps us discover hidden talents and strengths that we never knew existed. In addition to all this, in Human Design there is such…

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Non-Energy Types in Relationships

Let’s imagine that fate brought together people who belong to non-energy Types. For example, two Projectors. Or Projector and Reflector. Where can such a couple get energy? How to feel that life is in full swing? And most importantly: is it possible? Basically, if two non-energy types are in a relationship, there is no constant circulation of energy in their…

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What is emotional addiction and how to live with it?

There is often such a thing as emotional addiction in relationships. Psychologists equate this with serious defects that originate in deep psychological trauma, but from the point of view of Human Design, this phenomenon can be easily explained. From a technical point of view, emotional dependence occurs when one partner has a defined Emotional Center, while the…

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Bitterness of Projector

For each of us, it can happen that we cease to correctly live our nature and succumb to the influence of False Self. There are tens and hundreds of very different reasons for this. Sometimes stereotypes prevail over us and we simply cannot get rid of those beliefs that have long become a part of our…

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Energy in Human Design

What is energy in Human Design? And what is energy in common? First of all, it is a vital fuel that helps us to live our lives efficiently, brightly, directing our energies to good deeds. It is thanks to energy that we manage to do work, creative work and other things that are of interest to…

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Conditionality in Human Design

What is conditionality in Human Design and how does it affect our behavior? Conditionality has long since become an integral part of our life. From early childhood, we get used to the patterns, patterns and stereotypes that our environment instills in us. We form a completely clear idea of ​​how it is possible and how…

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Single Definition

Let’s talk about Definition in Human Design. What it is? This is the nature of the connectivity of our Centers. Defined Centers connected with each other by this or that Channel can also be connected with each other. Or, for example, in the Bodygraph there may be two defined Centers connected to each other and…

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Self-Esteem in Human Design

Self-esteem in Human Design is not only something that is embedded in a person in the process of education. Not only his ability to adequately or inadequately assess his strength. Self-esteem is also something that is given to a person by nature. Of course, self-esteem is influenced by many factors, such as upbringing, the right environment, motivation,…

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Purposefulness in Human Design

What is purposefulness in Human Design? And what is purposefulness in everyday life? In short, it is a person’s ability to set goals and achieve them despite external obstacles and the opinions of others. How does purposefulness manifest itself in terms of Human Design? It is fashionable to be single-minded nowadays. There are hundreds and even thousands of…

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Gender in Human Design

What role plays gender in Human Design? Have you ever thought about this? And in general, what is gender? Where did this concept come from? Gender is a spectrum of characteristics related to masculinity or femininity. Depending on the context, these characteristics can include social structures or gender identity. Thus, the concept of gender implies the sex of…

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Environment in Human Design

What is environment in Human Design? First of all, it directly affects how we live our Design. How correctly we understand and accept our nature. How comfortable we are to be where we are.  There is a correct habitat for each of us. Someone feels more comfortable in spacious rooms. Someone, on the contrary, prefers cozy and modest rooms,…

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Melancholy in Human Design

What is melancholy in common? And what is melancholy in Human Design? This concept has many definitions. In psychology, melancholy is defined as a type of depression. It is believed that a person in a state of melancholy falls into apathy. Prefers to be inactive. He sees the world exclusively in shades of gray. Becomes irritable and avoids social contact. …

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