Our lives are invariably associated with stress. Stress is present in all areas of our lives. We are stressed not only at work, but also at home and even when we try to organize our leisure time.

What are some of the reasons we tend to experience prolonged stress in our lives?

Here are just a few of them:

  • professional activity involving increased responsibility;
  • unfavorable relationships in the family;
  • conflicts with colleagues and problems in communication;
  • phobias, unworked childhood traumas and fears;
  • sudden change of residence or work.

However, whatever the true causes of stress, it will somehow have certain consequences, especially if you pretend that it does not exist or that it is completely harmless and it is quite possible to live with it. Over time, feelings of apathy will turn into depression, and chronic fatigue into a serious illness.

All this says that to be constantly stressed, considering it a normal and natural part of life, is quite dangerous for life, and to leave unattended the real causes of stress is categorically unacceptable.

The way we deal with stress is embedded in our Bodygraph. From a theoretical point of view, the so-called Root Center is responsible for stress and adrenaline. It can be defined or undefined.

Don’t know if your Root Center is defined yet? Follow this link and calculate your chart right now for free.

How do cottelate stress and Root Center?

So if you have a certain Root Center, you a priori feel more confident in stressful situations. You have a fixed way of dealing with stress and if you stick to it and you follow your Strategy and Authority, no hardship is going to affect you.

Stress and Root Center

But if you have an undefined Root Center, you’re not a very stress-resistant person by nature.

Is there any way to minimize stress if you live or work side by side with carriers of a particular Root Center?

Below we will give you a few recommendations that may be helpful to you.

Learn to distinguish your stress from someone else’s

Do not forget that ninety percent of your stress is imposed on you from the outside: colleagues, relatives, etc. Which means it has nothing to do with you.


Meditation is a great way to distract yourself from what’s going on around you. So if one of your colleagues is stressed out, just close your eyes or imagine that there is a solid, impenetrable wall between you.

Get out more often

If your work forces you to cross paths with colleagues who cause you stress, be sure to try to be alone with yourself during the day, preferably outdoors. A daily walk is a great way to minimize stress!

Distract yourself with simple activities

If someone around you is stressed, try to distract yourself with some neutral action in order to transfer all the stress onto yourself. Start putting order on your desk or making notes in your notebook, wiping your monitor, etc. Also, be sure to listen to your Strategy and Inner Authority. These are the two tools that will help you find your individual way to deal with stress!

Don’t neglect the traditional ways to relax

A bubble bath at the end of the day, yoga, aromatherapy, massage with essential oils – choose what works for you and make it your daily routine!

A full decoding of your chart in pdf format is available here.

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Decoding Human Design Chart
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