In the modern world it is very fashionable to be productive and keep up with everything. Coaches, psychologists and other professionals offer us dozens of ways to increase personal effectiveness, learn how to achieve our goals and arrange our own life the way we want it. And one of the most important components of personal effectiveness is time management. What it is? It is essentially the art of time management. Or rather, a set of knowledge, techniques and techniques that help increase personal productivity and the effectiveness of their daily activities. And this applies not only to work, but also to everyday life, hobbies, sports, leisure activities, etc. In other words, all spheres of life that can only be imagined. 

One of the main points in the modern art of time management is scheduling for the day, week, month, etc. Already millions of people at the beginning of the month set goals for themselves, paint them in all details, and sometimes supplement them with visualization techniques, beautiful pictures and wish cards. Others cannot fall asleep at all unless they make a schedule for the next day.

Time management by Human Design

But let’s think: why does the daily scheduling and other tricks from the field of time management help someone to increase personal efficiency in just a few days, while for someone all this not only does not help, but on the contrary brings chaos and confusion into life? Is the art of time management really as effective as we are usually taught?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, time management can be really very effective and help people change their lives for the better. But on the other hand, it does not work for everyone. And this fact can be very easily explained in terms of Human Design. So what is time management by Human Design?

Technically, the Ego Center is responsible for personal productivity, the ability to be effective, as well as to achieve the desired and implement goals and plans. So the fact is that making a schedule for the day, as well as setting goals and developing effective strategies for achieving them, is very good for people with a certain Ego Center. And such people are only about thirty percent. All the rest, carriers of indefinite Ego Centers, show much greater efficiency when they implement their plans in a more chaotic, natural way, ignoring generally accepted rules and techniques of time management. How exactly? Let’s figure it out. 

Time management on the example of Ego Center 

Thus, if Ego Center is defined in your Bodygraph, you can safely follow the rules of traditional time management.

These are:

  • make a schedule for the day
  • prescribe plans at the beginning of each month
  • set goals
  • visualize your desires
  • develop strategies to achieve the desired

But if in your Bodygraph the Ego Center is not defined, all this does not suit you. But does this mean that you cannot improve your efficiency? Of course not. You can and how! But completely different rules work for you. And here are the main ones.

     1. Be flexible.

Don’t be afraid to give up your desires or change your goals a little. Any changes can work in your favor. Perseverance, however, will only hurt your personal effectiveness. 

      2. Don’t set specific goals for yourself.

Your goal may come to you completely unexpectedly, already when you reach it. That is why you should not think about it in advance, much less outline any steps towards achieving it.

       3. Follow Strategy and Credibility.

This is a universal tool that will help you not only be effective, but also live your nature as fully and correctly as possible.

As you can see, Human Design does not offer anyone magic pills that would suit absolutely everyone. Each of us has our own unique nature. We just have to listen to it and take into account its features. Then everything in our life will be given to us easily and joyfully. Without suffering and titanic efforts.

A full decoding of your chart in pdf format is available here.

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Type Signature
Making decision with Authority
Making decision
How to set a goal correctly
Set a goal
Decoding Human Design Chart
Decoding Human Design Chart