Personal boundaries are a kind of psychological way of drawing a line between yourself and others. Without them it would be impossible to understand where your own thoughts end and those imposed on you by others and society at large begin. It is especially important to remember personal boundaries for those who do not have Root Center defined in their rave chart.
The main function of personal boundaries is to be clear about what you must do and why you are responsible for it. If you constantly refer to other people’s words and ideas, you will find yourself as a person who is not responsible for anything, and puts all the blame for a failed life on others, on those who “inspired” him to act a certain way.
Another important purpose of establishing personal boundaries is that with their help you can regulate the level of stress in your life. Of course, for each person you deal with, there may be a different degree of “warmth” in the relationship. For someone, your “soul” will always be wide open, but for others, on the contrary, you will be cold and aloof. But in any case, the boundaries must be, so that the person with whom you communicate, do not forget that before you get too close, he should knock.
People with an undefined Root Center are more likely to be the victims of neglect and pandering, because they are unable to set boundaries competently. Additionally, not only are they unable to set these boundaries themselves, but they are also dismissive of others. They will shamelessly approach a person to talk, enter a room without knocking and take other people’s things, just because they feel like it, without caring about the other person’s attitude toward these actions.
But this should not give you the idea that people with an undefined Root Center are basically incapable of respecting or at least “perceiving” the boundaries set by others. If they spent their childhood in a family with people whose Root Centers are defined, they may learn to at least “intellectually” perceive others’ boundaries by looking at them, though not “instinctively” as others do.
But one of the main problems for people with an indeterminate Root Center is not at all in perceiving personal boundaries, but in asserting them. In moments of conflict, the brain will rarely think about such an ephemeral concept, especially when stressed. Moreover, if a dispute arises between the possessor of a definite and indefinite Root Center, it is the former who will most often come out the winner. And it does not matter at all who is right and who has stronger arguments. If a person cannot defend himself in a conflict, no matter what, he will not be able to change the mind of his opponent. The only way to do this is to completely forget about all the “exhortations” of Mind and act in the conflict strictly in accordance with one’s Strategy and Authority. Only they can become reliable allies in the struggle to assert one’s own truth.
It is important to realize that under the pressure of others, holders of an indeterminate Root Center can easily lose themselves in trying to please others. They will live and act for the interests of those around them, completely ignoring their own desires. This is very important to remember, lest one day you find yourself as a person who has lost a taste for your own life. So learn to be uncomfortable for others by making your own goals a top priority. Even if the need to say “no” will cause you an internal protest at first, overcoming this feeling in the end will be much easier than dealing with the consequences of inappropriate consent.
A full decoding of your chart in pdf format is available here.