Stress is the body’s natural response to neuropsychological overload. As long as it is short-lived, it does no harm, and in some cases is even beneficial. But long periods of stress have a negative impact on health and gradually evolve into distress, which has a devastating effect not only on the psyche, but also on the body physically.
Two hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, are responsible for stress in the body. Their brief release can help the body to utilize all its reserves to solve any problem situation, mobilizing physical and mental abilities. But if the high level of these hormones goes into a chronic phase, it leads to many negative symptoms: unreasonable aggression or conversely, apathy, gastrointestinal problems, decreased immunity, distraction, problems with concentration, sleepiness, constant fatigue, cardiovascular system malfunction, etc. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly relax and get out of a state of stress so that the body can get back to normal.
Manifestations of stress in different types
In addition to the “classic” manifestations inherent in every person, each of the Genetic Types has its own, special form of stress, directly depending on their characteristics. Causes of stress can be different for different Types.
When Generator is under stress, he feels nothing but sheer frustration in everything and everyone. It affects every area of his life and nothing seems to bring him joy. Relationships are infuriating, colleagues seem to be silly and annoying children, even his own appearance in the mirror is perceived negatively, as if distorted by a crooked mirror. Such is the Generator that when he spends his energy on something that does not bring him pleasure, dissatisfaction with this fact literally obscures his mind, making him be dissatisfied and see nothing but negativity in everything.
Manifesting Generator
When stress overtakes Manifesting Generator, he becomes even more impatient than he is in his normal life. It can be said that he is overwhelmed with constant adrenaline – he wants to take up everything and at once, even without really figuring out what is what. And just after he starts to do something, he suddenly realizes that he doesn’t want to do it and tries to switch to something else. As a result, he rushes from one thing to another, bringing nothing to completion and making a lot of mistakes, which he tends to ignore. Gradually, his “undertakings” pile up, until one day they pile up into one big lump of unfinished business and collapse on his head, making him angry with himself.
A stressed Manifestor is a real destruction machine. He destroys himself and his life. He starts to quarrel with his family and colleagues, quits his business and work (or does everything with his hands down), quarrels with the waiters and does not take his hands off the horn in the car. Manifestor, like no other easily angry, and stress only adds oil to the fire, exacerbating the situation. And this state of nervous tension inflates his pride to enormous proportions, making him think that he is surrounded by idiots and brakes, and that no one can do anything right.
The stress of Projector is realized on two fronts at once, although the reason for them is essentially the same. On the one hand, he may begin to envy other people, driving himself into the abysses of endless depression. He will compare his life and the life of friends, acquaintances, and even just celebrities, constantly putting himself at a disadvantage. On the other hand, this very envy will provoke in the Projector a feeling of his own inferiority and even shame for himself, for what he is and what merits were in his life. He will look at all his achievements with disdain, and at the merits of others with undisguised lust. This can easily drive the Projector into an abyss of apathy and make him give up without even trying to change anything in his life.
In Reflector, stress takes the form of frustration with life. Being in the company of someone, he enjoys taking in someone else’s energy, soaking up and enjoying it for a while. But as soon as contact ceases, the Reflector is left alone with itself – “empty” and unfilled, longing to recall the pleasure of the opportunity to become someone else for a time. And at such moments he looks disappointedly at himself, at his seeming amorphousness and passivity, at his weak energy and inability to be like everyone else. Therefore, Reflectors are more prone to lethargy and apathy than anyone else, until they again “dip” into the ocean of someone else’s energy.
Ways to cope with stress
Now let’s talk about how a representative of each Type deals with their stress.
The main indicator that Generator lives according to his nature is a feeling of satisfaction from everything he touches. Therefore, in order to get rid of stress and start living a full life, the Generator needs to trust his inner Strategy and listen carefully to his Response. Only then will he be able to choose the right places and actions to use his inner energy.
Manifesting Generator
Manifesting Generators, for the most part, suffer in life not even from the inconsistency and ambivalence of their nature, but from their impatience. Therefore, they, more than anyone else, need to learn to give themselves enough time to think and make a final decision before they begin to act. That way, they will be able to cut off anything they are unlikely to enjoy in the planning stage instead of doing anything at all.
Manifestors are very aggressive in themselves, and often in the daily turmoil, even the smallest little thing can set them off. Therefore, it is very important for them to give themselves time to rest alone, when no one will even try to encroach on their personal space. Also, would not hurt to practice meditation and yoga, to learn in time to track their negative reactions and not splash them out.
No matter how mature and self-sufficient Projector is, other people’s opinions will always mean a lot more to him than to members of other Types. And it often happens that an elderly Projector can be seriously offended by an innocent, seemingly innocent joke from his relatives or acquaintances. Therefore, it is very important for people of this Type to constantly filter their social circle and leave only those who will stimulate their growth, and not serve as an excuse for cultivating insecurity and complexes.
Reflectors can be very dependent on the opinions of others, especially in the moment. Soaking up someone else’s energy, they very easily adopt someone else’s goals and desires, mistaking them for their own. Therefore, in order to avoid stress, they need to weigh and make serious decisions exclusively in solitude, when the impact of other people’s energy is minimized. Otherwise, they can very easily start a race to fulfill a goal that is not their own, and then be disappointed in themselves because “it didn’t work.
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