How to choose a profession with Human Design

People often come to Human Design with specific requests. And one of these requests may be the choice of a profession. Who among us has never faced this choice at least once? When you need to understand what…

Right place and right people

What does the right place mean in terms of Human Design? And the right people? How do you know that the right person is next to you? And if we are a little uncomfortable next to him? What to…

Money in Human Design

Today we will discuss a topic that will never lose its relevance – money. And not just money, but money in Human Design. Is it possible to have material abundance, be successful, achieve your goals and…

7 circles of Human Design

Having started to study Human Design, many people think that they have finally received a magic pill that will help them radically change their lives. They desperately hope that, as if by magic, they will become…

Two Manifestors: сonflicts in Relationships

Today we will talk about how relationships can develop between different Types. Belonging to one Type or another leaves a serious imprint on our behavior and perception of the world. It also defines our Strategy for making…

Nervousness in Human Design

What is nervousness in Human Design? Of course, in the first place, nervous behavior is determined by the Emotional Center, which responds to our emotions, feelings and sensations. However, this is far from the only Center,…

Planets in Human Design

Planets in Human Design have a pretty strong impact on us. They largely determine our desires, character traits and goals that we set for ourselves. Planetary influence is one of the main concepts in Human Design. Each celestial…


Olá, eu sou a Patrícia. Como Projectora, naturalmente focada no outro, e extremamente sensível ao sofrimento à minha volta, desde cedo que me senti fascinada por todo o tipo de conhecimento que me permitisse levantar…


Sempre me interessei por astrologia e por numerologia. Um dia uma amiga falou-me no Human Design achando que eu me poderia interessar. Não poderia estar mais certa. Fui pesquisar e descobri que era uma reflectora.…

Tribal Circuit Group: What is it Responsible for

For those who have Channels from Tribal Circuit Group in the Bodygraph, it is not only the support itself that matters, but also how it is expressed. Such people need to constantly feel solidarity with…

Individual Circuit Human Design

What is the Individual Circuit Human Design responsible for? First of all, for the processes of transformation, thanks to which we can remain ourselves and at the same time help other people and the world…

Collective Circuit

What is the meaning of Channels of Collective Circuit? They are primarily responsible for our ability to share our skills, experience, talents and skills with the community. In common parlance, the collective outline determines our opportunities…

Emotional Authority

About half of the population has a specific Emotional Center. Such people have an emotional impact on everyone else – those whose Emotional Center is not defined. Some of them may have Inner Emotional Authority. The secret…

Incarnation cross in Human Design

What is Incarnation Cross? In short, this is our main life purpose. However, very often those who begin to study their Design, reach the Incarnation Cross only at the last moment. And in fact, it makes sense.…

Experiment in Human Design

We often talk about the so-called experiment in Human Design. However, we do not often think about what this concept means. What is Human Design? In fact, this is knowledge that you can believe or not believe…

Sacral Authority

Only Generators with open Emotional Center have Sacral Authority. This is the only Type that can have this kind of Inner Authority. In theory, it is very simple and boils down to the fact that…

What does Projector Aura focus on?

Each Type has its own unique aura. What it is? In fact, it is a set of vibrational frequencies and vibrations that affect how others perceive us. Projector aura: focused and concentrated. Since the main task of this Type…

Lunar Authotity

Reflector has a special kind of Inner Authority. In this he is not at all like all other Types. However, as in many other issues. What is the essence of Lunar Authority? The fact is that before making…

Sexual trauma

Human Design is a whole system that has absorbed elements from several sciences and teachings. The first acquaintance with the topic opened before me a whole universe of amazing knowledge that can change the life of…

Companion relations: good or bad?

If we calculate compatibility between two partners, they will have some common points in one way or another. In some ways, their Bodygraphs will be similar, and somewhere even identical. For example, partners can be of the…

Relationship between Projector and Manifestor

When we talk about composite, first of all we pay attention to how people belonging to different Types interact with each other. If in a pair Types do not coincide, that means that people have…

Communication with Manifestor

The Manifestor is an energetic Type, an example of a strong and independent personality. He can independently initiate events in his own life (and does not wait for an invitation for this). Most people feel uncomfortable…

Aura structure for each Type

Aura is a kind of electromagnetic field that surrounds every person. What is aura structure? It has no physical form in usual sense. This is the pure energy that our vehicle-body generates. When we come into…

Age in Human Design

At what age should you go to Human Design? And in general, which role plays age in Human Design? Would it be correct if we plunge into this world – the world of our True Self,…

Human Design and Astrology

Are Human Design and Astrology very similar? What do they have in common? Can Human Design be considered part of the oldest science about planets and their impact on human life? At first glance, it may seem that…

The Gate 38 of Fighter

Does your loved one not want to listen to you, but easily accepts the advice of strangers? Perhaps it is not a matter of character at all: the manifested the Gate 38 of Fighter affect…

Relationship with Reflector

Who is a Reflector? In fact, this is a blank canvas on which you can paint a real masterpiece. You can do this if you are in a relationship with Reflector. Moreover, in the case…

How is it not worth living your design

Do you know what the main mistake people make when they get to know their Design? They begin to hide behind it, justify their actions and deeds with them, take pride in it as some incredible…

How to get answers to questions in Human Design

Which role play questions in Human Design? Before diving into this topic headlong, we want to understand how this will help us specifically. What areas of our life can we improve if we start learning…

Integration Channels Human Design

Today we’re going to discuss with you such an important topic as Integration Channels Human Design. Remember, there are three main groups of Circuits in Human Design: Individual, Collective, and Tribal. I propose to remember what…

Nutrition in Human Design

What role plays nutrition in Human Design? There is such a thing as PHS – Primary Health System. And here we are primarily talking about food. Why is this topic of particular importance? The fact…

Human Design and Psychology

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today I want to talk to you about how Human Design and psychology are related. Some people are used to considering Human Design as a separate science. Someone, on the contrary, is…

Maya and Human Design

In Human Design we often talk about maya. This concept is of particular importance both from the point of view of getting rid of conditionality, and from the point of view of accepting one’s True…

Tandem Ajna and Crown Center

How do Ajna and Crown Center interact? What is Crown Center? In fact, this is the place where our mental inspiration and our questions to this world are born. The focus of curiosity, active mental…

Personality and Design Crystal

We all exist in a certain duality. Each of us has a Personality and Design Crystal. The Design Crystal is located in the Ajna Center and from a physiological point of view corresponds to the neocortex and pituitary…

Generator getting stuck

There is one thing in the nature of Generators that often confuses them. We are talking about the so-called Generator getting stuck energy, when the initial enthusiasm for something evaporates, giving way to apathy and…


Здравейте, aз съм Мария или както обичам да ме наричат Мери. И Мери не защото не харесвам прекрасното си име Мария, а защото Merry описва чудесно, състоянието ми на Мир! ​Докато минавах през турболентността на моя…

What Spleen Fears Teach Us

Fear is a natural human response to a real or perceived threat. And our strongest fears, as a rule, are closely related to the instinct of self-preservation, when an individual is aimed at survival at…

Strategy in Human Design

Strategy in Human Design as a whole is a kind of action plan, a set of rules that determines the response to a certain situation. Strategy in Human Design is a characteristic behavior, a technique…

Left Mind and Right Mind

In addition to knowing about your own Type and Profile, in addition to understanding the mechanics of Gates and Channels, in addition to the PHS sections, there is another fundamental component of Human Design. Left…

Auric Interaction in Human Design

Let’s talk about the aura and the so-called auric interaction. We have already dealt with such a topic as the aura of Types. Depending on which Type you belong to, you will have a certain aura. However,…

Sleep in Human Design

Sleep is just as important a need in our body as food, water and physical activity. Sleep in Human Design is one of the most important life factors. However, if we don’t like to deny…

Immunity and Human Design

How does Immunity and Human Design correlate to each other? A person comes into this world with a ready-made set of basic qualities and skills. The immune system is also a mandatory option for the…

Love Gates in Human Design

Each person has his own definition of love, feels and experiences it in different ways. For some it is inspiration and romance, rebirth to a new life, while for another it is a relocation to the…

Type Vulnerabilities

To be a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer or to choose your own actions? Recognize a manipulator and cut off points of contact, or succumb to flattery and pressure? Each Type has its own…

Generator Response

Hello again, dear readers of my blog! Today I want to further expand your understanding of your own Design. Within the framework of this article, we will talk about how to find harmony in life…

The main thing about Root Center

So Root Center is one of the four Motors in Human Design. How does a motor work? I think you can imagine. Makes a particular mechanism work and move. It’s the same with the Root Center. He gives us…

Why is it important to love your Body

Why is it important to love your Bodу? Human Design teaches us to work with the Body. All the basic information that this teaching provides us concerns the Body: its structure, the signals it gives…

Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu for 2027

Ra Uru Hu was on the island of Ibiza when, from January 3 to 11, 1987, he had a mystical experience, which he described as receiving information from the Voice. It was “The Voice” who told…

Uranus Opposition and midlife age crisis

Planets play a key role in Human Design. And this is not only about the fact that at the time of our birth they are embedded in a certain way, and this is what directly affects…

How can you know your purpose in life?

It is natural for a person to ask questions: What is the meaning of life? What is my calling? How to find out your destiny? So how can you know your purpose in life? Throughout…

Open Ego. Karma or gift

Ego Center plays the greatest role in the mechanism of self-perception. It is he who is responsible for such concepts as: self-esteem, self-respect, self-esteem. In this Center, the energy that we call willpower is formed, and…

Conflict between G and Ego Center

What is conflict between G and Ego Center? How often do you have a desire to figure out who you are? Would you like to become someone completely different? How often does your “want” and…

Inner Authority in Human Design

What is Inner Authority in Human Design? This is the voice of your truth. It is customary to think that the Authority of our life is the Mind. The mind knows, its arguments are convincing, we…

Victim patterns and their transformation

Let’s talk about victim patterns and their transformation. Richard Rudd studied and taught the Human Design system from 1997 to 2004 with Ra Uru Hu. Prior to that, he traveled the world for 10 years…

Personal boundaries for Manifestor

What is personal boundaries for Manifestor? Personal boundaries are a topic that worries every person now. All people communicate with each other and influence each other. Sometimes this influence is positive, and sometimes it is unpleasant…

Fighting False Self

In Human Design, there is such a concept as the False Self. And sometimes in our life takes place fighting False Self. So what is False Self? It literally means the process of suppressing your…

Human Design as a lifestyle

If you want to start learning Human Design, then the first thing you must understand is not a set of hard and fast rules for your life. There is no absolute opinion on how to act…

Waiting in Human Design

What is waiting in Human Design? Perhaps the words “wait” is one of the most frequently encountered in articles and books on Human Design, and everyone who first encounters him has questions in his head:…

The Gate 1 of Self Expression

Gate 1 Self Expression is the gate of the artist and actor. Such people always attract attention, although they love to create in solitude. Their philosophy is to do everything in their own special way.…

The Gate 2 of Higher Knowledge

People with activated Gate 2 of Higher Knowledge are people with a subtle foreboding of an innovative and successful direction in life. Throughout life, they are driven by a craving for beauty, love and creative…

The Gate 3 of Ordering

People with The Gate 3 of Ordering want to work on something new. Their river has no banks and no channel. If they do not expect opportunities from life, but invent them themselves, by this…

The Gate 4 of Formulation

People with The Gate 4 of Formulation appreciate difficult and deep questions. It is important to remember that their answers are only guesses that need to be tested empirically. Therefore, not all of their answers…

The Gate 5 of Fixed patterns

It is important for people with The Gate 5 of Fixed patterns to maintain their natural temporal rhythm of life. The easiest way is for them to work in a specific rhythm and a familiar…

The Gate 6 of Friction

People with The Gate 6 of Friction are created to distinguish between sexuality and feelings, to be aware of emotionally and sexually. These people are learning how to curb their emotions. They are like border guards,…

The Gate 7 of Self Roles

People with The Gate 7 of Self Roles are endowed with potential and passion for leadership. They lead to a better future by their example. It is important for them to be recognized in this…

The Gate 8 of Facilitation

The gift of people with the Gate 8 of Facilitation is to draw attention to the truth, to the creativity and love of the Creator. These people make their unique contribution to society or help…

The Gate 9 of Focus

People with the Gate 9 of Focus have the ability to concentrate on working with details and nuances for a long time, as long as they are not distracted by anything else. This is the…

The Gate 10 of Self Behavior

The whole life for people with The Gate 10 of Self Behavior is an expression of their uniqueness and love for themselves, enjoying their uniqueness. It is the gate of love to being yourself. In…

The Gate 11 of Ideas

The mind of people with the Gate 11 of Ideas is the source of a variety of ideas, most of which are not meant to be expressed. There is a constant stream of ideas in…

The Gate 12 of Caution

People with the Gate 12 of Caution are cautious about whether other people understand them correctly. They are waiting for the right moment when they can influence others. And those who are susceptible to their…

The Gate 13 of Listener

People with the Gate 13 of Listener are natural listeners. They guide others through experiences they have witnessed. People with the Gate 13 hear what others do not. They listen to the revelations and secrets…

The Gate 14 of Power Skills

The creative potential of people with the Gate 14 of Power Skills is to passionately love their work and find application for their material talents. The power to find your own unique direction in life…

The Gate 15 of Extremum

People with the Gate 15 of Extremum with the need to change their rhythm of life in response to changing circumstances. In society, they adhere to various extremes in self-expression and lifestyle and, like no…

The Gate 16 of Skills

What they already know is never enough for people with the Gate 16 of Skills. They experiment with different skills, abilities and eventually achieve mastery in them. People with the Gate 16 hone their creativity…

The Gate 17 of Opinions

People with the Gate 17 of Opinions have their own opinions on many issues. They make various assumptions about topics of concern to them. Their gift is to foresee the future by observing the present.…

The Gate 18 of Correction

The gift of people with the Gate 18 of Correction is in everything and always to see defects, imperfections and imperfections in order to correct, improve them. To make the world more perfect and people’s…

The Gate 19 of Need

People with The Gate 19 of Need financially and emotionally successful interactions with other people. Such people press on others to draw attention to needs: personal or those of those around them. Their inner drive…

The Gate 20 of Now

People with The Gate 20 of Now only see the present moment. They are aware of everything important at the moment of “Now”. This moment connects them to the present as much as possible and…

The Gate 21 of Hunter

Material independence is important for people with The Gate 21 of Hunter. Leaders by nature. They flourish when they are able to control others, and when they gain such freedom that no one can control…

The Gate 22 of Openness

People with The Gate 22 of Openness are always under incredible pressure to express their feelings, to influence them on the emotions and sense of self of other people. With their emotional openness, they reveal…

The Gate 23 of Assimilation

The recognition and success of people with The Gate 23 of Assimilation depends on the timeliness of what they say, on their skill in word, communication skills. People with Gate 23 have the potential to…

The Gate 24 of Rationalization

People with the Gate 24 of Rationalization constantly return to the same mystical questions in an attempt to comprehend them and find practical solutions and applications for them. These people are trying to comprehend the…

The Gate 25 of Self Spirit

People with the Gate 25 of Self Spirit connect others with their truth through the manifestation of innocence and unconditional acceptance of the individuality of each, regardless of the circumstances. From people with the Gate…

The Gate 26 of Egoist

The goal and gift of people with the Gate 26 of Egoist is to receive the maximum reward for the minimum effort. It is beneficial to use your ingenuity, audacity and resourcefulness to the benefit…

The Gate 27 of Care

People with the Gate 27 of Care are born to protect, protect and support themselves and others. They derive satisfaction from activities that enable them to take care of themselves and others. It is important…

The Gate 28 of Player

People with the Gate 28 of Player are ready to risk a lot for the sake of their goal and meaning in life. They are looking for a goal to which they can devote themselves…

The Gate 29 of Concord

People with the Gate 29 of Concord can trust a new life opportunity, surrender to it directly and irrevocably, completely not knowing where it will lead them. In terms of its strength, the Gate 29…

The Gate 30 of Feelings

People with the Gate 30 of Feelings will never be free from desires. Desires drive them and there is nothing personal about it. This gate is the source of all emotional passions and ardent desires.…

The Gate 31 of Leadership

A person with the Gate 31 of Leadership is an influential leader who calls for systematic action, order, and discipline so that the future of his followers is safe and joyful. The Leader’s Gate Man…

The Gate 32 of Continuity

People with an innate instinct for continuous material growth of their personal or social. People with the Gate 32 of Continuity are instinctively empathetic. Their gift is to quickly adapt to changes, to feel when…

The Gate 33 of Privacy

Only in solitude people with the Gate 33 of Privacy are able to see the value of what happened to them, to highlight the essence and benefits for themselves and those around them. The energy…

The Gate 34 of Force

The actions and interests of people with the Gate 34 of Force are independent and self-centered. First of all, they want to do what will strengthen and satisfy themselves. This is how they bring the…

The Gate 35 of Changes

People with the Gate 35 of Changes try many different things in life and not all hands become masters. They lead people or projects out of crises and stagnation into progress and rapid development. People…

The Gate 36 of Crisis

People with the Gate 36 of Crisis grow through deep emotional experiences and help other people grow in what they went through themselves. The energy of the Gate 36 drives such people to changes and…

The Gate 37 of Friendship

For people with the Gate 37 of Friendship, it is important that the family or community recognizes in them the value of their magnetism, emotional support, and volitional qualities. The Friendship Gate brings a sense…

Gate 38 Fighter

People with Gate 38 Fighter show their best qualities when confronting difficulties. Warriors and fighters for their highest goal. They resist any external influence if it separates them from their Highest goal. In this Gate…

The Gate 39 of Provocateur

The task of people with the Gate 39 of Provocateur is to provoke the Spirit of others into material and spiritual abundance. People with the Gate 39 provoke the emotions of other people, and this…